Green Office Resources and Practices
Green Office Resources and Practices
These campus sustainability practices enable participants to actively contribute to sustainability successes on campus:
Recycling and Events
Place recycling bins next to:
- Desk side (paper)
- Copy area (paper)
- Kitchen area (co-mingled containers and paper)
- Lounge (paper & co-mingled containers)
- Dock (paper, co-mingled containers, corrugated cardboard)
Collect special materials for recycling:
- Laser printer toners and inkjet cartridges (209 UCB if they are sealed in a plastic bag or box or to the E Center or the IPF at 2290 Stadium Drive).
- Disks (Send in small quantities to Recycling, 209 UCB)
- Tyvek envelopes (Send in small quantities to Recycling, 209 UCB)
- Transparencies (Send in small quantities to Recycling, 209 UCB)
Other tips:
- Post recycling signs near all bins
- Post recycling information
- Discuss recycling procedures at staff meetings and train new staff on your office’s environmental practices
- Contact Property Services to dispose of big office equipment and see if they can be salvaged
Recycling resources:
- Turn off computers, printers, and copiers over night and especially on weekends & breaks.
- Activate sleep mode on computers, instead of screen-savers.
- Activate energy savers on copiers, fax machines, & printers.
- Replace old equipment with EnergyStar® equipment.
- Replace monitors with flat-screen displays Eliminate standalone machines including desk-side printers, fax machines, and scanners (utilize multifunction devices).
- Replace incandescent light bulbs with CFL or LED Post signs/stickers near lights and appliances to remind people to shut them off.
- Post signs/stickers near windows to shut them.
- Regulate thermostats: 68° or below in winter and 75° or above in summer.
- Set refrigerator temperature to 37° F and freezer to 3-5° F.
- Turn off equipment and lights when not in use (small appliances still use energy if any sort of light is on) *Using power strips makes this easy.
- Eliminate unnecessary equipment.
- Use recycled (100% recycled or high post-consumer content) and tree-free papers in copier, printer, and fax.
- Make the switch to 100% recycled content as it becomes more affordable.
- Use recyclable paper (no bright, dark or plastic coated).
- Purchase recycled content, non-toxic, remanufactured office supplies.
- Purchase non-toxic and/or biodegradable cleaners.
- Purchase energy efficient and/or reused office equipment
- Purchase furniture that is reused or made with recycled-content materials and/or certified wood
- Ask about options for environmentally friendly products (i.e. paints, carpet, lighting) if you are planning to renovate or remodel
- Shop CU before going off-campus
Waste Reduction
- Memos, forms, and newsletters are sent electronically, while other documents are printed only when necessary
- Opt out of receiving unwanted junk mail
- Make double-sided copying/ printing a standard practice
- Reuse items rather than throw them away when possible
- Set aside an area for one sided scrap paper and reuse it in printer/copier when possible for informal documents
- Have a designated area for sharing office supplies
- Use reusable cups/mugs, plates, and silverware
- Do not use bright/ dark paper and/or plastic covers in copy/ print jobs
- Print only necessary quantities of copies, catalogs, brochures, etc.
- Minimize packaging
- Consolidate orders to once or twice a week (or less!)
- Reuse plastic grocery bags
- Avoid using bottled water at events and meetings
- Post carpool, bus, bike, & pedestrian information (Zimride is a great carpool network!)
- Make a bicycle available for running errands, making deliveries, etc.
- The CU Bike Station lends out bikes for 2 days, located on the east side of the UMC
- Request hybrids or right sized vehicles when renting from Transportation Services/Avis
- Purchase offsets from department travel (airplane travel, bringing in guest speakers, rental vehicles etc.)
- Participate in commuter challenges (bike-to-work-day, etc.)
Transportation Resources:
Pest Management
- If you have pest occurrences, call Facilities Management for Integrated Pest Management – least toxic treatment and prevention methods