Lauren Shoemaker, Amanda Hund and Christine Avena Awarded

April 14, 2016

Congratulations to Lauren Shoemaker, Amanda Hund and Christine Avena. Lauren was recently awarded a one-semester fellowship form the graduate school. Amanda has just been awarded a Carol Lynch Fellowship award from the graduate school. Christine was awarded a Fullbright Fellowship to do bat research in Switzerland. Congratulations EBIO Graduate Students!

Planted Evidence - Using plants to solve crime

April 8, 2016

Jane Bock and David Norris use plant evidence to solve crimes and document the locations and movements of suspects and victims.

Noah Fierer sampling in a field

Noah Fierer talks soil microbes on NPR Science Friday

April 1, 2016

Noah Fierer , Associate Professor in EBIO was recently featured on NPR's Science Friday. In this segement, Noah talks about microbes in soil and their lifecycle during the spring time. Listen on NPR!

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Sheela Turbek awarded NSF fellowship

April 1, 2016

Sheela Turbek - Graduate student in Dr. Safran's lab has been awarded one of the NSF's prestigious Graduate Research Fellowships! NSF fellowships are generally awarded early in graduate careers, recipients of the award compete against a pool of very competitive applicants. Congratulations Sheela!

Carol Kerns with a honey bee on her back

Undergraduate researchers find rare western bumblebee

April 1, 2016

Students in the Baker RAP program survey bumblebee populations around Boulder. Students have found that the 'white-rumped bumblebee' thought to be going extinct has been making a comeback in the Colorado Front Range system. Read the full story .

Alpine meadow on Niwot Ridge, CO - Photo Credit: William D. Bowman

Atmospheric nitrogen leads to loss of plant diversity in sites across US

March 29, 2016

Sam Simkin, William Bowman and Katherine Suding published research this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . Their findings examined nitrogen pollution and it's affect on plant diversity across the United States.

EBIO students score 5 Grad School grants

March 17, 2016

Congratulations to Lauren Shoemaker, David Zonana, Amanda Hund, Teal Potter, and Taylor Chock for their successful Beverly Sears grants ! This is a high number of grants for a single department, and reflects well on EBIO. Beverly Sears grants are awarded to are competitve awards for graduate students to support...

C. euknemos is one of many frog species threatened by chytrid fungus. (Photo: Doug Woodhams)

Managing amphibian disease with skin microbiota

March 17, 2016

C. euknemos is one of many frog species threatened by chytrid fungus. (Photo: Doug Woodhams) Former postdoc, Doug Woodhams , Molly Bletz, Assistant Professor, Valerie McKenzie and recent PhD graduate Jordan Kueneman recently published a paper in Trends in Microbiology, titled, Managing amphibian disease with skin microbiota . Abstract: The...

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Nancy Emery awarded NSF career grant

March 14, 2016

Nancy Emery, Assistant professor in EBIO has just been awarded her NSF career grant. Congratulations Nancy! Below is the synopsis of the grant award: OVERVIEW Dispersal influences species distribution patterns by determining the range of environments that are colonized and the patterns of gene flow that connect populations. The traits...

Noah Fierer sampling plants in the field

Noah Fierer recognized as a highly cited researcher

March 7, 2016

Congrats to Noah Fierer for making Thompson Reuters list of the most highly cited researchers of papers published between 2003 and 2013.
