University Housing provides reasonable housing and dining accommodations to residents with a disability.
Step One: Apply for On Campus Housing
Prior to requesting a housing or dining accommodation, you must complete the housing application. To apply for housing, log into your MyCULiving Portal using your Identikey and password. Please review information regarding important dates for the University Housing Application Process. If you have any questions, please contact or 303-492-6673.
Step Two: Register Online with Disability Services
Students who are not currently registered with DS:
- Register online with Disability Services by submitting a Disability Services Application for Accommodations.
- NOTE: If you need to request academic accommodations, you must schedule a separate academic Access Meeting.
Students who are currently registered with DS:
- Submit a supplemental request form.
Step Three: Submit Documentation
Students requesting reasonable housing or dining accommodations must submit documentation of their disability-related need(s) for the request. Please review our University Housing, Dining and Parking Documentation Guidelines for additional information. Medical providers may also prefer to complete the Disability Verification Form. All documentation is kept confidential.
Ways to submit documentation:
- Upload into your Accommodate Portal (preferred, but not required)
- Email to
- Fax to 303-492-5601
Step Four: Disability Services Reviews Submitted Documentation
The DS Housing Access Coordinator will provide a Notice of Determination to the student within ten (10) business days following the start of the review process. This 10-day time limit may be extended at the discretion of the DS Housing Access Coordinator, upon written notice to the student. In order to initiate the review process, the student must submit an application for housing accommodations and provide supporting documentation.
Step Five: Monitor Your Email
Monitor your email address for information about your new housing assignment, if applicable, based on your approved accommodation. Housing assignment information will come from