Substance Use Services
In an effort to support students and help them succeed at CU, CAPS is committed to working with students to avoid pitfalls related to substance use. CAPS offers several services to address these issues. If our services are not able to meet the clinical needs of a student, we will work with students and families to make appropriate referrals.
Getting Started
A substance use screen appointment is a brief one-on-one appointment with a CAPS provider specially trained in this area. This screening appointment is the first step to accessing substance use specific services at CAPS. You will have the opportunity to begin to look at your pattern of substance use, briefly examining the impacts of this use on your life. You will leave your screening appointment with feedback and recommendations based on your identified needs.
Recommendations following a screen may include services that are provided through CAPS or other campus departments. Should your needs exceed the services we can provide, the CAPS provider may function in a case management role to match you with appropriate care in the community. Follow-up appointments are available to ensure that you access the support that you need.
This screening appointment is held virtually, via telehealth. If you would prefer to meet in person, please call CAPS, 303-492-2277, to discuss options for scheduling. Students must be in the state of Colorado to be eligible for telehealth sessions.
Select Substance Use Telehealth Screen with a CAPS Therapist appointment reason.
Individual Therapy
CAPS is flexible in its approach and dedicated to addressing individual needs. Students are eligible to receive a limited number of mental health visits every academic year and may choose to utilize all or part of their visits to address unwanted or harmful effects of their substance use as a primary focus. For many, brief counseling will increase motivation for change and encourage the stability that is needed to succeed. For some, individual therapy along with other services (group treatment or support from the broader community) is a viable option to address substance use concerns. For others, fewer sessions are needed to facilitate a transition to a level of care appropriate to the individual.
Mandated Substance Use Evaluation
During a mandated substance use evaluation, the CAPS provider will gather and review bio-psycho-social history to gain a broad perspective of the student’s life, including factors that can help protect them from harm and those that increase risk. Assessment tools are utilized and diagnoses will be made if present. The CAPS provider then authors a report outlining bio-psycho-social history, diagnosis and recommendations.
- Cost: $300
- Payment: Pay online
- Time: Two sessions
- Register: Schedule a Substance Use Screen as the first step to accessing this evaluation.
Support for Concerned Family and Community Members
Alcohol and drug misuse can affect a users' family and friends. If you are concerned about someone else’s use of alcohol or drugs, you are welcome to contact CAPS for consultation regarding our services and ways to communicate with someone about their alcohol and drug use.
For students in recovery or seeking support for recovery, visit CU’s Collegiate Recovery Center.
Click here for additional campus information and classes around alcohol and other drug use.