Nancy Maingi Ngwu
PhD Student

Office Hours: Wednesdays 1:00pm – 2:00pm., and by appointment

Nancy Maingi Ngwu (she/her) is a doctoral student and instructor in the organizational communication area of the Communication Department. She teaches courses in organizational communication and intercultural communication. Her research generally engages how organizational actors at the margins of society communicatively organize to manage, resist, and remake oppressive structures. Specifically, she is interested in engaging how postcolonial Kenyan women communicatively organize to manage, resist, and remake oppressive structures. Examples of projects have included women’s interregional trade networks in Kenya, Kenyan women’s informal childcare organizing in the U.S., and Kenyan women’s transnational feminist organizing. As an extension of her research and professional practice, Nancy works as a graduate researcher and critical dialogue designer for CU Dialogues. Nancy’s professional background includes an MA in Communication studies and BAs in Political Science and Communication Studies from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.