Andrew Patra

By: Andrew Patra

Strategic Communication

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"First Snow: The start of 2019 was far colder than we really anticipated. We made our way to Flagstaff to try and capture the first snow of the year. Between cold toes and cold fingers, this one is probably my favorite.




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"In Denver: I spend a lot of time in Denver, and it seems like everyday there’s something new opening up. I went down to the Denver Milk Market during its first week of being open. The space, while it holds a bunch of good restaurants, it also is home to the newest location of my favorite coffee shop. That’s a win for me.


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"On Film: I’ve learned that I’ve spent most of my time in coffee shops, but I also learned that sometimes you need to take a step back from always shooting for work or for Instagram. I picked up a roll of film and loaded it into a camera found in a friend’s attic. It's been a nice change of pace. This is at Amethyst Coffee in Denver.

   2019 Showcase Selection