'Comm Plishments: March 2017
News about Communication faculty, graduate and undergrad students and staff doings.
Harry Archer, PhD student published with M. Bradney an article titled “A pilgrim's view of communication: Pathways to a meaningful politics” that will appear in the Journal of Communication and Religion, 40(1), 2017.
Karen Ashcraft, Professor, published a paper based on the colloquium she gave at a past spring’s graduate recruiting weekend. Her talk, “‘Submission’ to the rule of excellence: Ordinary affect and precarious resistance in the labor of organization and management studies,” appeared in inOrganization, 2017, 24(1), 36-58.
Laurie Gries, Assistant Professor, gave an invited lecture "Doing Digital Visual Studies" at UT Austin on February 24th as part of the Digital Writing and Research Lab's Speaker Series. Also, upon an invitation from UC Irvine's Student Chapter of the Rhetoric Society of America, she gave a lecture "Doing Transnational Circulation Studies" at UC Irvine on February 27th.
Blake Hallinan, PhD student, was accepted for the communication history pre-conference at ICA in San Diego.
Danna Harrington, PhD student, is presenting a paper, “’This is the Fair! Fun is mandatory’: How tensions in organizing show organizational change over time” at the International Communication Association in San Diego.
Tim Kuhn, Professor, published “Developing a communicative imagination under contemporary capitalism: Organizational communication as a mode of explanation” inManagement Communication Quarterly, 31, 116-122, 2017.
Adam Lauver, PhD student, was featured in CU Boulder Today, the university newsletter, for his work in CU Dialogues, facilitating conversations among students on campus that are structured to explore topics of social group identity, conflict, community and social justice.
Leah Sprain, Assistant Professor, published with several coauthors a chapter, “Praxis-based environmental communication training: Innovative activities for problem solving” in T. Milstein, M. Pileggi, and E. Morgan (Eds.),Environmental Communication Pedagogy & Practice, pp. 229-238, 2017, Rutledge. She also received Honorable Mention, which is given to the top 5% of papers at the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, for a paper with several coauthors. The paper is titled “Thin grey lines: Designing confrontations with flood risk” and it will be presented at the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Denver, CO in May. Leah is also senior personnel on a National Science Foundation grant ($25,390) with Danielle Endres (PI), Tarla Rai Peterson, and Andrea Feldpausch-Parker to support a summer workshop on energy democracy bringing together communication and science and technology studies scholars.
Bryan C. Taylor, Professor, recently published 3 entries in the International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy: on Experience (with Ricardo Munoz), Expression (with Peter Simonson), and Meaning (with Ricardo Munoz). He is also the author of "Imitation (In)Security: Cultivating Mimetic Theory to Critique the Media/Security Nexus," in Communication Theory (2017), 27:1, pp. 48-69.
Bingjuan Xiong, PhD student, has had two papers accepted for conference presentation: (1) "I am a shitizen so I watch": Emergent identities and political actions in Chinese cyberspace,” for the 67th International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 25-29, 2017, San Diego, USA and (2) 'Rational Thinkers' or 'Internet Mobs'? Categorizing "Netizens" in Chinese Online Discourse, for the 15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), to be held in July 16-21, 2017, Belfast, UK.