Submit Poster Here


Eligible authors/presenters must be undergraduate students enrolled at a COSGC Affiliate Institution.

  • Submissions must be research posters.
  • The final file submitted shall be PDF.  
  • The submitted file name must be formatted as: ProjectTitle_Institution_Poster.pdf  (e.g., LunarRoboticMining_CSM_Poster.pdf)
  • All posters are to be technical in nature. The judges may not be familiar with the detailed work but the judges do come from a technical background such as engineering or the sciences.  Be sure to provide thorough yet concise information.
  • Posters should be no bigger than 40" (horizontal) X 32" (vertical).



You will be present for the poster session assigned to you depending on your topic. This will consist of 5 minutes to present your poster followed by 3 minutes for questions. 



There is no limit to the number of authors who may be listed on a poster.



Registration is required for all presenters. Register HERE. Each presenter should register individually. Guests (friends/family) are welcome. Guests must register too.



Any undergraduate engineering or science research paper/presentation will be accepted provided it ties into the space community or earth-based research aligned with NASA missions and goals. Sessions will be defined depending on the number and areas of the papers submitted.



How To Design an Effective Scientific Poster:

Using PowerPoint to create a poster:

An Effective Poster: