Isaac Taylor

  • Freedom and Security Scholar, Center for Values and Social Policy

Kittredge Central North, N223

Isaac Taylor conducts research in political philosophy and is particularly interested in questions of global justice, just war theory, and security ethics. He has previously worked on moral questions surrounding counterterrorism, international language policy and refugee rights, and recent papers have appeared in Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy and Ethics & Global Politics. He holds a DPhil in Political Theory from the University of Oxford and was most recently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Goethe University Frankfurt.

During his fellowship, Taylor will develop a normative theory for evaluating security policy. He will investigate the proper place of international security arrangements such as NATO in states' efforts to avert threats to their citizens, and examine what form these international institutions must take in order for them to be morally acceptable.

Spring 2018 Courses

Philosophy and Law: PHIL 2220

MoWeFr: 12:00 p.m. -12:50 p.m.
Description: Considers philosophical issues related to law in general and the U.S. system in particular. Topics to be covered may address such questions as the following: What is the nature of law? What kinds of acts should the law prohibit (e.g., abortion, drug use, pornography, cloning)? Is there a moral obligation to obey the law? Can civil disobedience be justified? Is there a justification for punishing people for breaking the law? Is capital punishment, in particular, morally justified?