Published: March 3, 2023
Cheraw CO Center CEDaR Amin Shafaeian

Developing the blank block in Cheraw, CO, is a significant move. Regarding the site’s location and size, it’s effortless to see the potential. An empty block covered in dirt could be a fascinating place and center for gathering people and offer a great and safe experience to children, families, and individuals. The project has a few key elements; first, the Pavilion. It becomes the center for gathering people and offering a good time to them. The Pavilion has solar panels on the roof and provides the electricity needed for illuminating the park. The second key element is the garden through the site, attached to the water splash. The garden’s water comes from the water splash, is recycled, and goes back to the water splash. This garden creates a fascinating walkway, pleasant water noise, and cooler air temperature during hot days in summer. Finally, the project offers several other services to the community, such as a basketball court, soccer field, parking spaces, gathering spaces, etc.

Community Engagement, Design, and Research Center(CEDaR)
University of Colorado Boulder

Drawn by CEDaR research assistant  Amin Shafaeian