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Classroom Assessment Principles to Support Teaching and Learning

Link to Resource: Classroom Assessment Principles to Support Teaching and Learning

Authors: Lorrie Shepard, Elena Diaz-Bilello, William Penuel, and Scott Marion

Suggested Citation:  Shepard, L. A., Diaz-Bilello, E., Penuel, W. R., & Marion, S. F. (2020). Classroom assessment principles to support teaching and learning. Boulder, CO: Center for Assessment, Design, Research and Evaluation, University of Colorado Boulder.  


This document presents a set of classroom assessment principles intended as a resource for practitioners, especially school leaders and district and state policymakers. Together these principles articulate a shared vision for effective classroom assessment practices. The key ideas guiding this vision come directly from learning sciences research and the research literatures on motivation and assessment. They explain how classroom assessment can best be enacted to support teaching and learning.  An initial draft of these classroom assessment principles was developed in preparation for the NCME Special Conference on Classroom Assessment held at the University of Colorado Boulder, September 18-19, 2019.