Wrap your mind around this: Neutron stars, the collapsed cores of once-large stars, are thought to be so dense that a teaspoon of one would weigh more than Mt. Everest.
The role of social media in protests, concepts of privilege and protest in sports, and ways protesters can be most effective will be discussed by a trio of experts at CU Boulder Nov. 1, at noon in Old Main Chapel.
A series of participatory forums looking back at American racism by the University of Colorado Boulder’s History Department is proving to be a very popular campus learning experience, with organizers working on the fly make sure as many interested people as possible can attend.
Physicists have created an atomic clock that reaches the same level of precision as its predecessors but is more than 20 times faster, promising dramatically improved measurements and more.
CU Boulder’s dance division shines a spotlight on two MFA candidates in “Taking UP Space,” an evening of performances embracing racial and sexual diversity. The dance concert runs Oct. 20-22 in CU’s Charlotte York Irey Theatre.
An expert on the political implications of growing numbers of non-religious citizens will discuss “godless politics” in a lecture on the University of Colorado Boulder campus next month.
The Classics Department at the University of Colorado Boulder will host students from across the state for Colorado Classics Day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 30, on the Norlin Library quadrangle.