University of Colorado Boulder Instructors Anne Becher and Edwige Simon have each been honored this year by the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers.
CU Boulder's Department of Physics has received a $75.8 million award from the National Institute of Standards and Technology to continue the collaborative Professional Research Experience Program through 2022.
China is launching huge infrastructure projects as a way to broaden its global influence. For scholars at CU Boulder, this trend raises new questions they aim to address with support from the Henry Luce Foundation.
The University of Colorado Boulder has been chosen by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) to help lead the SEMINAL project—a study funded by the National Science Foundation researching how to best incorporate “active learning” into math classrooms.
Do you learn more if you study for hours without breaks or if you take short study breaks every so often? That question not only occurred to Robert Mason Eastwood but also formed the basis of his honors thesis.