When requesting that a university staff member accept a teaching appointment, a written request by the Chair/Director must be sent to the Divisional Dean for approval via email each semester or academic year that a classified staff member will be teaching per the process outlined below.
- University Staff completes Courses Agreed to Teach Grid and submits to Unit.
- Unit submits the following to Faculty Affairs Coordinator for review via email at CAS-Faculty@colorado.edu:
- Draft offer letter via Word document per the following template with background check information and Department/Program Use box completed:
- Draft offer letter reviewed by Faculty Affairs Coordinator.
- Once approved by Faculty Affairs Coordinator, Faculty Affairs Coordinator to the Associate Deans routes final, approved additional job letter and completed Courses Agreed to Teach Grid for all signatures via DocuSign with cc: to unit. Office of Faculty Affairs will not be included in the DocuSign routing. Once letter is completed, Faculty Affairs Coordinator will send hard copy to Office of Faculty Affairs for review and approval. Once the additional job letter is returned, Faculty Affair Coordinator scans the letter in PDF and emails to the following:
- Unit
- Human Resources Service Center
- Personnel File
- Appointment entered in HCM (Human Resources software) by the College of Arts and Sciences' Human Resources Service Center.
- If any changes to the offer letter are needed after approval, fill out an addendum form.