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PSC Procedure Statement for Official Functions

International AP Payment Matrix


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FSC Documentation for Official Functions
An official function is a meeting, meal, or other function that is hosted by an organizational unit, attended by guests and/or associates or employees, and held for official university business. All official functions must comply with the Administrative Policy Statement Propriety of Expenses and the PSC Procedural Statement (PPS) Sensitive Expenses. Please provide all attendees and relationship to the University.

For up to 10 attendees: list names and relationships, e.g. Chris Jones (faculty member); Mary Doe (employee recruit)

Attendee 1
Provide the name for the attendee with the above university relationship
Attendee 2
Provide the name for the attendee with the above university relationship
Attendee 3
Provide the name for the attendee with the above university relationship
Attendee 4
Provide the name for the attendee with the above university relationship
Attendee 5
Provide the name for the attendee with the above university relationship
Attendee 6
Provide the name for the attendee with the above university relationship
Attendee 7
Provide the name for the attendee with the above university relationship
Attendee 8
Provide the name for the attendee with the above university relationship
Attendee 9
Provide the name for the attendee with the above university relationship
Attendee 10
Provide the name for the attendee with the above university relationship
Attendee Totals
For more than 10 attendees: list number of individuals and describe the relationship, e.g., students, faculty, staff
Select the relationship of attendees
Select the relationship of attendees
Select the relationship of attendees
Select the relationship of attendees
Select the relationship of attendees
Select the relationship of attendees
Select the relationship of attendees
Select the relationship of attendees
Select the relationship of attendees
Select the relationship of attendees
(Please explain in detail how this expense relates to official University business.)
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