Published: May 12, 2016
on the back
on the front

This is Delilah Cupp, she moved from C’s to A’s this season and has been pushing it at the front

CU: Where are you from?

DC: Washington #PNW

CU: What year are you? What’s your major?

DC: I’ll be a sophomore next year and I’m studying Environment-Society Geography

CU: What disciplines of cycling do you participate in for the team?

DC: Mountain and road

CU: How long have you been riding? What category do you race in?

DC: It’s been 2 years-ish and I’m an A now

CU: What got you into cycling?

DC: Pressure from my big brother who races xc and cx at FLC + living in Bellingham next to some of the most schralpable trails on the continent (and Kona bikes of course)

CU: What is your favorite kind of racing? What is your favorite collegiate race?

DC: XC on the mountain and crits on the road are my fav in general but the Crested Butte DH is my favorite track on the collegiate circuit

CU: What are your cycling ambitions?

DC: Go fast and not hit my head

CU: What do you do besides cycling at CU? Other clubs, jobs, etc.

DC: Climb trees, skate, hipster things like that

CU: What is your favorite part about Boulder as a city?

DC: The flatties of course! and the top notch climbing trees

CU: Biking is a big commitment time wise, how do you balance your academics and social life with cycling?

DC: I study approximately 2 hours a month and waste a lot of time on my bike. being around people makes me uncomfortable.

CU: A lot of wise, successful cyclists live by a specific mantra… Do you have one?

DC: Gotta risk it to get the biscuit

CU: What's a fun fact about you?

DC: I brush for approximately 7 minutes each morning and night.

CU: You would say you are a ___________ person

DC: Squirrel

CU: What’s your favorite music to ride to?

DC: Screamo

CU: What’s one thing you never ride without?

DC: My phone so I can take snapchat selfies, duh

CU: What bikes do you currently ride?

DC: Kona bikes baby. Big Kahuna and Jake the Snake CR on the mountain and a Cannondale super-six evo on the road

CU: What were some of your goals for the past season?

DC: Shake n bake

CU: Thanks for taking the time to talk! Anything else you want to say?

DC: I’m on Instagram: @dcuppers and