chemical looping sulfur oxidation graphic

Sulfur Oxidation By Chemical Looping

April 26, 2021

Developed by CU Boulder researcher Nick Singstock, this novel process for producing sulfuric acid shows early signs of increased efficiency, reduced emissions and reduced CapEx.


TissueForm: Next Generation Biomaterials

March 23, 2021

Born out of the Neu Soft Tissue Bioengineering Lab at CU Boulder, TissueForm supplies natural replacement biomaterials to the next generation of implantable medical devices to positively impact patients suffering from tissue loss due to disease, damage, or aging. The biomedical technology company is focusing on the pathway to commercialize its first product, NatruDerme, looking to raise seed financing alongside non-dilutive federal and state grants to enable critical FDA-pathway defined manufacturing and pre-clinical studies.

Álvaro Romero-Calvo

Magnetic Buoyancy Enhanced Electrolysis and Boiling

March 23, 2021

Researchers in the lab of Aerospace Engineering Professor Dr. Hanspeter Schaub, led by second year aerospace PhD Álvaro Romero-Calvo, have effectively utilized magnetic buoyancy to enhance electrolysis, boiling, and phase separation technologies in space. This team won a grant from Blue Origin wherein their apparatus will be sent into Space on a Blue Origin rocket for testing.

light velocimetry

Structured light velocimetry for sensing angular velocity

March 23, 2021

Researchers in Associate Professor Greg Rieker's lab are developing a machine learning-based signal processing scheme facilitates measuring the angular velocities in fluid flows using small particles that traverse beams of structured light.

resin nanoparticle graphic

Tougher, Healable Composites through Stress Relaxation at the Resin-Nanoparticle Interface

Feb. 22, 2021

Prof. Christopher Bowman’s research group has also employed a new set of dynamic covalent chemistry (DCC) to induce interfacial bond exchange resulting in stress relaxation on demand while retaining a strong, covalent chemical attachment between the matrix and filler phases.


“Click” Thermoplastic Polymers: An easier and more efficient method to make robust and recyclable thermoplastics

Feb. 22, 2021

Prof. Christopher Bowman’s group has developed a method for the generation of high molecular weight polymers in an efficient, rapid, and facile manner.


Increased Efficiency of Solid-State Photonic Up-Conversion

Jan. 20, 2021

Researchers at CU Boulder have developed a method that increases the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of Cooperative Energy Pooling (CEP) for photonic upconversion, which is a method where a material absorbs low-energy photons and emits photons of higher energy.

shoe diagram

Dual Purpose High Performance Running and Cycling Shoe

Jan. 19, 2021

A running and cycling shoe providing the stiffness and the cleat platform needed for high performance cycling while also providing the midsole cushioning, flexibility, and rigidity needed for high performance running.

figure a

Thermoradiative Power Converter

Dec. 14, 2020

Dr. Garret Moddel at has invented a method to harvest energy from an ambient temperature source.

PARP Figure

Novel Inhibitors of PARP1/2: A Promising Treatment Approach for BRCA-Negative Cancers, Vascular Disease, and Neurodegeneration

Nov. 25, 2020

Novel PARP1/2 inhibitor compounds that interact with the HPF1 part of the PARP active site to form more stable and effective inhibitors can be used for treating cancer, neurotoxicity and vascular disease.
