Please leave us feedback regarding your renting experience so that we can better understand the housing needs of graduate students.

All questions are optional so you can provide us with whatever information is comfortable to you.

If you are not renting though a Property Management Company, please enter "Private Owner"
Street name and number (123 Main Street) or cross streets (Folsom and Colorado)

Apartment Properties

Please indicate 0 for studio
This number includes you + any rent-paying roommates
This includes residents who do not pay rent, such as children
square feet
Select which amenities were available in your complex or apartment.


Please indicate total housing expenses for the property including rent, utilities, and internet
This includes rent, utilities, and internet
Please indicate the amount you paid, not including what any roommates paid
Please indicate a negative value if you were required to pay at the end of your lease
Please list any fees and their values beyond monthly rent and utilities, such as application fees or lease-transfer fees


1 - Poor23 - Neutral45 - Excellent N/A
Atmosphere of Property/Complex
Timeliness of Maintenance Request Responses
Quality of Maintenance
Timeliness of Landlord Responses
Select the main reason you are leaving
Select all applicable options
Select all applicable options
We welcome any other feedback about your housing experience or landlord. You can list any other reasons for leaving as well as likes/dislikes of your rental situation.