CU WIC is an ACM-W chapter dedicated to supporting women and diversity in computing. Our organization is open to anyone who values diversity and inclusion in computing. We appreciate any level of support as it enables CU WIC to fufill its mission through on-campus programming and off-campus outreach. Funding of CU WIC helps us support some of the following initiatives
Weekly meetings for members that feature guest speakers, lecturers, industry professionals and recruiters.
Social events to provide a sense of community for members.
Covering conference costs for members.
Covering costs of annual Mocktail.
We are thankful for financial support received, and extend our gratitude to all of our corporate partners who support us.
If you are interested in partnering with CU WIC, please use the following instructions
If you would like contribue a donation/gift via credit card, please use our BOLD Gift Speedtype.