All truly successful organizations recognize the value and importance of the contributions and suggestions that are made by their employees. The University of Colorado Boulder has an established tradition of shared governance, recognizing the tremendous value of suggestions received from all segments of the University community. CU Boulder Staff Council was created and established to ensure that all staff members have the opportunity to be actively involved in setting the priorities and future direction of the university.
Professional Research Assistant (PRA) and Research Associate (RA) Expansion
The University of Colorado Staff Council is pleased to announce we have expanded our representation to include Professional Research Assistants (PRAs) and Research Associates (RAs). This development marks a significant step towards ensuring the voices and concerns of PRAs and RAs are effectively heard and addressed by university leadership.
At the beginning of 2023, Staff Council convened an exploratory committee to examine the feasibility and benefits of including these populations within its representative body. The committee conducted in-depth discussions and round table sessions with PRAs and RAs to understand their priorities, issues, and aspirations within the university community. The discussions revealed a strong alignment between the priorities and issues of PRAs, RAs, and university staff.