
Hot, hot, hot: Evolution 2016 in Austin, Texas

June 21, 2016

A great diversity of talks from the lab at the annual Evolution meetings


Bon voyage to our graduating seniors!

May 5, 2016

Keric and Mandy both head off to summer internships with the BLM.


Great showing at the Undergraduate Research Symposium

April 25, 2016

Jessica, Will and Khoa presented their work at the annual UROP poster session.


All about the EBIO Greenhouses

April 13, 2016

CU Arts & Sciences Magazine article features our three EBIO greenhouses


GRFP for Chelsea!

April 7, 2016

Chelsea was awarded a highly competitive NSF Graduate Research Fellowship -- Congratulations!


Jessica will be headed to Portland this summer!

March 8, 2016

Jessica was selected for a summer REU position in Cruzan Lab, where she will study plant genomics and ecology.


A little tour of Germany

Feb. 24, 2016

Stacey traveled to Munich for the meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik. Ja!


Great science at Ecogen 2015

Nov. 7, 2015

Dan and Stacey attend the Ecological Genomics meeting at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas.


Props to our undergraduate researchers!

Oct. 5, 2015

Three new undergraduates joined the lab, and three of our existing members received grants from CU's Biological Sciences Initiative.

moutain research station

A fun day at GREEBS!

Sept. 19, 2015

Mandy, Andrea, and Stacey visited the Mountain Research Station for the 2015 GREEBs meeting.
