Life Sciences Research | Science Education Initiative | University of Colorado Boulder Skip to main content Life Sciences Research The Molecular Biology Capstone Assessment: A Concept Assessment for Upper-Division Molecular Biology Students. Brian A. Couch, William B. Wood, Jennifer K. Knight (MCDB, CU). CBE Life Sciences Education, Vol. 14 (10), pp.1-11 (2015).Scientific Teaching: Defining a taxonomy of observable practices. Brian A. Couch, T. L. Brown, T.J. Schelpat, M. J. Graham, J.K. Knight (MCDB, CU). CBE Life Sciences Education, Vol. 14 (1) (2015).Preparing students for class: How to get 80% of students reading the textbook before class Cynthia Heiner (Physics, UBC), Amanda Banet (Zoology & Botany, UBC), & Carl Wieman American J. Physics, Vol. 82(10), pp. 989-996 (2014)Keys to a Successful Student-Centered Classroom: Three Recommendations Anne-Marie Hoskinson (MSU), Nichole Barger & Andrew P. Martin (EBIO, CU) Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, Vol. 95, pp. 281–292 (2014)Understanding Clicker Discussions: Student Reasoning and the Impact of Instructional Cues Jennifer Knight (MCDB, CU), Sarah Wise (EEB, CU), & Katelyn Southard (MCDB, U. Az) CBE-Life Sciences Education, Vol 12(4), pp. 645-654 (2013)What's Downstream? A Set of Classroom Exercises to Help Students Understand Recessive Epistasis Jenny Knight & Bill Wood (MCDB, CU), Michelle Smith (Biology & Ecology, U. Maine) J Microbiol Biol Educ., Vol. 14(2), pp. 197-205 (2013)How Can We Improve Problem Solving in Undergraduate Biology? Applying Lessons from 30 Years of Physics Education Research A.-M. Hoskinson (EEB, CU), M. Caballero (Physics, CU), & J. Knight (MCDB, CU) CBE-Life Sciences Education, Vol 12(2), pp. 153-161 (2013)Student writing reveals their heterogeneous thinking about the origin of genetic variation in populations L. Prevost (MSU), J. Knight (MCDB, CU), M. Smith (U. Maine), M. Urban-Lurain (MSU) Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) annual conference, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico (2013)Using the Genetics Concept Assessment to document persistent conceptual difficulties in undergraduate genetics courses Michelle Smith (Biology & Ecology, U. Maine) & Jenny Knight (MCDB, CU) Genetics, Vol. 191(1), pp. 21-32 (2012)The Role of the Lecturer as Tutor: Doing What Effective Tutors Do in a Large Lecture Class William Wood (MCDB, CU) & Kimberly Tanner (SEPAL, SF State U) CBE-Life Sciences Education, Vol 11(1), pp. 3-9 (2012)The Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) for Use in Biology Kate Semsar (Integrative Physiology, CU), Jenny Knight & Michelle Smith (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, CU), & Gülnur Birol (Life Sciences & Skylight, UBC) CBE—Life Sciences Education, Vol. 10, pp. 268–278 (2011)Revealing Student Thinking About Experimental Design and The Roles of Control Experiments Jia Shi, J. Power, & M. Klymkowsky (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, CU) International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2011)How Not to Lose Your Students with Concept Maps Francoise Benay Bentley, Sarah Kennedy, & Katharine Semsar (Integrative Physiology, CU) Journal of College Science Teaching, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 61-68 (2011)The Benefits of Using Clickers in Small-Enrollment Seminar-Style Biology Courses Michelle K. Smith, Caleb Trujillo, and Tin Tin Su (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, CU) CBE—Life Sciences Education, Vol. 10, pp. 14–17 (2011)Combining Peer Discussion with Instructor Explanation Increases Student Learning from In-Class Concept Questions Michelle Smith, Bill Wood, Ken Krauter, and Jenny Knight (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, CU) CBE—Life Sciences Education, Vol. 10, pp. 55–63 (Spring 2011)Using Invention to Change How Students Tackle Problems* Jared L. Taylor, Karen M. Smith, Adrian P. van Stolk, and George Spiegelman (Life Sciences, UBC) CBE—Life Sciences Education (Winter 2010) *Selected for inclusion in the 2010 Highlights issue of the CBE Life Sciences EducationA diagnostic assessment for Introductory Molecular and Cell Biology Jia Shi, Bill Wood, J. Martin, N. Guild, Q. Vicens, and Jenny Knight (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, CU) CBE—Life Sciences Education, Vol. 9, pp. 453-461 (2010)A Report on the Implementation of the Blooming Biology Tool: Aligning Course Learning Outcomes with Assessments and Promoting Consistency in a Large Multi-Section First-Year Biology Course Angie O'Neill, Gülnur Birol, and Carol Pollock (Life Sciences, UBC) The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2010)Biology concept assessment tools: design and use Jenny Knight (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, CU) Microbiology Australia 31, 1 (2010)At the end of my course, students should be able to..:" The benefits of creating and using effective learning goals Michelle Smith (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, CU) and Katherine Perkins (Physics, CU) Microbiology Australia (March 2010)Different but equal? How non-majors and majors approach and learn genetics Jenny Knight and Michelle Smith (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, CU) CBE - Life Sciences Education (Spring 2010)Innovations in teaching undergraduate biology, and why we need them Bill Wood (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, CU) Ann. Rev. Cell & Devel. Biol. 25, pp. 93-112 (2009)What is the Value of Course-Specific Learning Goals? Beth Simon (Computer Science, UCSD) and Jared Taylor (Life Sciences, UBC) Journal of College Science Teaching (November/December 2009)Why peer discussion improves student performance on in-class concept questions Michelle Smith, William Wood, Wendy Adams, Carl Wieman, Jenny Knight, Nancy Guild, and Tin Tin Su (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, CUSEI, CU) Science, Vol. 323, no. 5910 (January 2009)The Genetics Concept Assessment: a new concept inventory for gauging student understanding of genetics Michelle Smith, William Wood, and Jenny Knight (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, CU) CBE - Life Sciences Education, Vol. 7 (Winter 2008)Teaching More by Lecturing Less Jenny Knight and Bill Wood (Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, CU) Cell Biology Education, Vol. 4, pp. 298–310 (2005)Concept first, jargon second: An assessment of the influence of technical vocabulary on conceptual learning Megan Barker & Lisa McDonnell (LS-CWSEI, UBC), & Carl Wieman (Stanford) Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting: Twin Cities, Minnesota (July 2014)Student-Centered Active Learning Curriculum in Evolutionary Biology Sarah Seiter, Sarah Wise, Nolan Kane, Andrew Martin (Ecology & Evol. Biology, CU) Evolution conference (2014)Profile of common genetics misconceptions in 1st to 4th year undergraduate biology students Pam Kalas & Lisa McDonnell (Zoology, UBC) Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting: Minneapolis, Minnesota (July 2013)Exam over, knowledge gone? Retention of conceptual and procedural knowledge in genetics Lisa McDonnell & Pam Kalas (Zoology, UBC) The Western Conference on Science Education: London, Ontario (July 2013), and Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) National Meeting: Minneapolis, Minnesota (July 2013)Students’ perspectives on pre-class reading assignments Cynthia Heiner (Physics and Astronomy, UBC) and Amanda Banet (Zoology, UBC) Foundations and Frontiers of Physics Education Research: Puget Sound (June 2012)Bio-Invention Activities for Small Group Learning Jared L. Taylor, Karen M. Smith, and George B. Spiegelman (Life Sciences, UBC) American Society for Microbiology, Conference for Undergraduate Educators, Fort Collins, Colorado (May 2009)Implementation of a First Year Biology Learning Group Pilot Study Karen M. Smith, Tamara L.J. Kelly, Gülnur Birol, and George B. Spiegelman (Life Sciences, UBC) ISSOTL 2008, Edmonton, Alberta (October 2008)