Contact Us

Note: All email addresses end in unless otherwise specified.

The SEI program has now ended, but you may visit individual department pages to find the list of former STFs and their current position.

Staff MemberEmailPhoneDepartment
Kathy Perkinskatherine.perkins@303.492.6714Director
Oliver Nixoliver.nix@303.492.4367Project Coordinator
Stephanie Chasteenstephanie.chasteen@303.775.3277Associate Director
Douglas Duncandduncan@303.735.6141Astro - SEI Director
Andy Martinandrew.martin-1@303.492.2573EBIO - SEI Director
Jenny Knightjennifer.knight@303.735.1949MCDB - SEI Director
Steven Pollocksteven.pollock@303.492.2495Physics - SEI Director
William ByrnesByrnes@303.492.5301IPHY - SEI Director
David Budddavid.budd@303.492.3988GeoSci - SEI Director
Robert Parsonrobert.parson@303.492.7751Chem/Biochem -SEI Director
Carl Wieman  Past Director