Tracy Ferrell, Ph.D.

  • Associate Teaching Professor
  • B.A., William and Mary, M.A.
  • Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder
Areas of Expertise
  • Cultural Rhetorics
  • Public Rhetorics, Civics, and Advocacy
  • Applied Public Humanities

Dr. Tracy Ferrell has a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature with a specialization in Latin American literature and alternative sexualities. Her areas of teaching include politics of drugs, queer rhetorics, and resistance movements. Her areas of research continued to include cross cultural issues such as racial justice movements and pedagogical issues including community engagement and diversity in the classroom. When she is not teaching, Dr. Ferrell spends her time traveling, cycling, yoga and fighting for social justice.

Course(s) Regularly Taught
  • WRTG 1150 First Year writing and Rhetoric
  • WRTG 3020 Topics in Writing: Politics of Drugs
  • WRTG 3020 Topics in Writing: Queer Rhetorics
  • WRTG 3020 Topics in Writing: U.S. Resistance Movements