Carey Stapleton Headshot
Ph.D. Candidate • American Politics and Methods

Major Field: American Politics

Minor Field: Political Methodology

Additional Fields of Interest: Political Psychology, Political Communications

Research Interests: Political Behavior, Primary Elections, Income Inequality, Experimental Designs, Multilevel Modeling

Teaching Interests: American politics, political behavior, political psychology, political communication, campaigns and elections, public opinion, Congress and American institutions, state and local politics, federalism, research methods and theory, survey design and analysis, experimental research methods, data analysis for social scientists

Dissertation Title: Why So Angry? The Influence of Angry Political Elites on American Politics

Dissertation Chair and Committee Members: Dr. Jennifer Wolak (Chair); Dr. Anand Sokhey, Dr. Jennifer Fitzgerald

Dissertation Description: My dissertation examines how people respond to angry political speech from elites rather than what people do when they are angry. Using a variety of experimental designs, my dissertation shows that political elites can directly infuse anger into the electorate through their communication styles while not negatively hurting their standing with co-partisans.

Defended March 2020


Sokhey, Anand E. & Carey E. Stapleton. 2020. “Persuasion in Interpersonal Networks.”  In Oxford Handbook of Political Persuasion, eds. Elizabeth Suhay and Bernie Grofman. Oxford University Press

Wolak, Jennifer & Carey E. Stapleton. 2019. “Self-Esteem and the Development of Partisan Identity.” Political Research Quarterly.

Stapleton, Carey E. 2013. “The Smartphone Way to Collect Survey Data.” Survey Practice. 6.2: 1-7 


  • 2018/2019 GTPI Graduate Student Instructor of the Year Award
  • CARTTS Fall 2018 Graduate Student Award $1000
  • Large Graduate Research Grant $3200
  • Small Graduate Research Grant $750
  • American Politics Research Lab Grant $1000
  •  $750 NSF Grant to attend the 2016 Political Networks Conference