
Laying the foundation for student success: Marinus Smith awardees honored

May 4, 2018

The Political Science Department would like to congradulate Professor Boulding, Professor Ferguson, and Professor Young in recieving the 2017-2018 Marinus Smith Awards. We feel grateful to have such amazing staff members! "The Marinus Smith Awards are presented each spring to nominated faculty, advisors and staff members who have made a...

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Graduate School Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award Winner

April 26, 2018

Congratulations to Dr. David Bearce for being awarded the Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award from the CU Boulder Graduate School! The award recognizes faculty members who are dedicated to the advising and teaching of graduate students, as well as improving the quality of graduate school education. Individuals were nominated by administrators,...

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Kimberlee Chang Receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

April 19, 2018

Kimberlee Chang works with Dr. Krister Andersson to examine how governance institutions facilitate sustainable resource use by local communities. In her project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP), she asks the research question "How do diverse communities work together to overcome common collective action...

Dr. Mathias Delori

Visiting Scholar Dr. Mathias Delori

March 12, 2018

As part of the FIRST Program through CU Boulder, Dr. Mathias Delori will be a visiting scholar here at CU during the summer. He will be teaching PSCI 3143-200. Course Information Learn About the FIRST Program

Joe Jupille

CU Connections: Joe Jupille

March 1, 2018

Read more about our Political Science Professor, Joe Jupille, and his involvement in the CU athletics department. His spotlight article is linked here .


UndocuAllies at CU Boulder

Feb. 19, 2018

The Political Science Department stands in solidarity with undocumented students, staff, and their families at CU Boulder. We value their contributions and committment to our campus and communities, and are stronger because of them. Accessable Resources Provided Through the University: Information for DACA and ASSET Recipients Mental Health Resources O...

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Candidate Joe Neguse Visits with Political Science Club

Feb. 5, 2018

In February of 2018, Joe Neguse visited the CU Political Science Club to discuss his experience in Colorado politics. Joe is both a CU alumnus and former Regent at the University, a position that he held while still in law school. In the time since, he co founded New Era...


Grad students find support, guidance in Dissertation Proposal Workshop

Jan. 3, 2018

Writing a dissertation proposal is an important step toward the dissertation itself, but the process of researching and writing one can be a difficult transition time for many graduate students. For their first years of graduate school, students adhere to a structured coursework schedule with deadlines from their advisors, the...


CU Professor Appears in The New York Times

Dec. 27, 2017

Professor Sven Steinmo had a letter to the editor published in The New York Times. The letter is on the article "“ Tax Bill Would Add to Burden of Strained I.R.S. ." Steinmo states the article, "points out what may be the single most important part of the Republican plan...


What Makes People Want To Pay Taxes?

Dec. 11, 2017

Professor Sven Steinmo was interviewed for the “Colorado Matters” program on Colorado Public Radio (90.1 fm). The interview aired at 10am and 7pm on December 11, 2017. He talked about his research on tax compliance and the tax “reform” being discussed in Congress: "Governments around the world have spent years...
