Matthew Foster

Dissertation: Identity, Civic Duty and Electoral Participation Committee: Major Fields: Comparative Politics Ph.D. 2018 Adjunct Professorial Lecturer, Department of Government, American University, Washington D.C.


Feelings of Political Efficacy in the Fifty States

Sept. 12, 2018

Wolak, J. Polit Behav (2018) 40: 763. Abstract: What makes people feel influential in politics? While prior studies describe political efficacy as a stable and socialized trait, I argue that feelings of effectiveness in politics follow from the actions of politicians and the design of government. When state governments...

Shawnna Mullenax

Dissertation: Are Good Intentions Enough? Public Attitudes, Gender Equality, & Women's Political Parties Committee: Carew Boulding (chair), Andy Baker, Lorraine Bayard de Volo, David Brown, and Stefani Mollborn Major Fields: Comparative Politics, International Relations, & Methods Ph.D. 2018 Director, Methodology and Analytics, People, Science, Business (PSB), Washington, D.C.

Seungbin Park

Dissertation: Another Pathway to Foreign Direct Investment: Diaspora Engagement Policy Committee: David Bearce (chair), Andy Baker, Adrian Shin, Moonhawk Kim, and Jinhyuk Kim Major Fields : International Relations, Comparative Politics Ph.D. 2018 Assistant Professor, University of Alabama