Lost & Found

Before you contact the CU Boulder Police Department to locate your lost item, first check with the building proctor at the building where you lost the item, or the building proctor of the nearest facility where you believe you lost the item. Building proctors are largely responsible for lost and found items

List of building proctors

If they do not have your item, you can file a lost property online report with the CUPD and be sure to indicate if the property was personal or University property.  You can follow up on your online report with our Property/Evidence Department via email at: CUPD-DL-PROPERTY@colorado.edu

Suspicious Packages or Items

Any item, package, letter, device, firearm, weapon, or other instrument that appears to be out of place, dangerous, or otherwise suspicious should be left untouched, the immediate area secured, and the CU Police Department contacted immediately at 303-492-6666 or 911 for assistance. Please be prepared to describe the location and circumstances to the call taker and stay on the line until asked to hang up. 

Items of Value

CUPD maintains a lost and found for items of value that are turned in. Items of value are likely to have been reported to the police as lost or stolen and may include wallets with money, credit cards, state-issued identification, cell phones, electronic devices, valuable jewelry, prescription eyeglasses, etc. Items of this nature should be brought to the CU Police Department without delay to aid in a successful return. Unclaimed items of value will be held by the police department for 30 days from the date of impoundment.

The CU Police Department is located at 1050 Regent Drive (next to the CU Events Center and parking structure). Please take items to the 2nd floor lobby and inquire at the Records window. Records is open Monday through Friday during university business hours. If you are not able to bring the item to our facility you may call the police communications center at 303-492-6666 and request that a police officer assist you. Please note that due to other priority calls the officer response may be delayed.

Buff OneCards

If a Buff OneCard is found, first call the Buff OneCard office at 303-492-0355 and let them know you have it. Then, turn it into the Buff OneCard Office either by campus mail (159 UCB) or by physically bringing it into their office (Center for Community N180).


  • If a bike appears to be abandoned, was found locked to something other than a bike rack, impedes disability access or any kind of traffic, your bike may have impounded. Please visit the Sustainable Transportation website to inquire.
  • Registered and non-registered impounded bikes are held for 30 days
  • If you believe your bicycle was stolen from campus, contact the CU Police Department at 303-492-6666 or file an online report.
  • The easiest way to claim a lost, stolen or impounded bike is through registration records. Register your bike at either of our two bike stations. (Near the UMC, and Folsom Station near Engineering.)


Found keys, university keys or other keys, should be turned into Access Services (Folsom Stadium, lower level, Gate 8, 053 UCB, 303-492-6609).

Non-monetary Items

Items of a lesser monetary value such as notebooks, books, costume jewelry, gloves, hats, scarves, and other clothing items should be placed in the building lost and found. Please contact the owner directly by phone, mail, or e-mail if you have that information. These items will not be kept by the police department.