Request a Criminal Justice Record

Victims of a crime may receive a copy of a police report without charge. Others are required to pay the cost of providing the record; see the fee schedule. For large or complex requests, a deposit toward the estimated fee may be required before work begins to complete the request. In person requests can be made at the CUPD Records office which is on the second floor of the Public Safety Building (1050 Regent Drive). Office hours are Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

This form will allow you to request a CUPD record and will become a permanent part of the file.

All sections of this form with red asterisk (*) are required. 

Indicates required field
Please Indicate Return Preference
This will only be used if there are questions with your request.
If you are looking for more than one date, please list in detail section below.
Request for Police Records: (Victims of a crime may receive a copy of a police report without charge)
Request for Audio or Video:
The department may not release digital records in cases that are open pending investigation, or cases where an arrest has been made but the case has not been adjudicated.
C.R.S. 24-72-305.5 Statement
Records of official action and criminal justice records and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and other information in such record shall not be used by any person for the purpose of soliciting business for “pecuniary gain.” The official custodian shall deny any person access to records of official action and criminal justice records unless such person signs a statement which affirms that such records shall not be used for the direct solicitation of business for pecuniary gain.
Fee Statement