Astrophysics - Kevin FranceAstrophysics - Kevin France [video:] TimestampDescriptionAttributionCopyright Status0:00Pathway to Space Video OpenerCU Campus Aerial Photo: Glenn Asakawa; Graphics: Peter Cullum; Song: Garrett SayersCreated by Pathway to Space0:12"Primary Background: Photograph of the Hubble telescope in space"NASAPublic Domain0:52"The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) prior to installation on Hubble Space Telescope in 2009"NASAPublic Domain1:31"Photograph of the stars"NASAPublic Domain1:39"The Carina Nebula"NASAPublic Domain1:59"Hubble's sharpest image of the Orion Nebula with proplyd highlights"NASA, ESA, M. Robberto, the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team and L. Ricci (ESO)Public Domain2:32"Formation of new solar systems"NASAPublic Domain2:49"How Earth fits into the broader family of planets"NASA/Goddard Space Flight CenterPublic Domain3:12"Animation of all the planetary systems found by Kepler"NASAPublic Domain3:42"An artist's impression of ten hot Jupiter worlds"NASAPublic Domain4:32"Photograph of Einstien writing on a chalkboard"OxfordPublic Domain5:16"Cover of a report"National Research CouncilPublic Domain5:47"Space Shuttle Discovery launches into the sky at the start of STS-31, while, a second shuttle, Columbia, waits to launch"NASAPublic Domain5:51"NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is lifted into the vertical position in the Vertical Processing Facility at Kennedy Space Center"NASAPublic Domain5:56"Taken from the space shuttle mission, the Hubble Space Telescope is suspended above shuttle Discovery's cargo bay"NASAPublic Domain6:03"Astronaut Musgrave prepares to be elevated to the top of the Hubble Space Telescope to install protective covers on the magnetometers"NASAPublic Domain6:44"Astronauts Musgrave and Hoffman install corrective optics during SM1"NASAPublic Domain7:03"Hubble during SM4"NASAPublic Domain7:27"Astronaut Grunsfeld works on the middeck of Space Shuttle Atlantis as he prepares for upcoming spacewalks to repair the Hubble"NASAPublic Domain8:28"Raisin bread analogy of an expanding universe"UnknownUnknown9:35"Fingerprinting the distant universe using light from Quasar PKS 0405-123"NASAPublic Domain9:42"NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, reveal five supernovae and their host galaxies"NASAPublic Domain10:05"Plot of Hubble Diagram from Type Ia supernovae"The High Z Super Nova Search TeamPublic Domain10:45"Planck’s high-precision cosmic microwave background map"ESAPublic Domain11:37"Pillars of Creation: Originally taken on April 1, 1995, this image has become one of the most iconic to come from the Hubble."NASAPublic Domain13:13"An SVG periodic table of the elements, which includes name, atomic mass, electron configuration, first ionization energy, and electronegativity"2012rcCC 3.013:52"Hubble view of evaporating planet"ESAPublic Domain14:24"Photograph of Jimmy Fallon on his late night TV show"UnknownUnknown14:31"Photograph of Milky J."TV GuideUnknown15:16"Hubble Space Telescope view of the hot gas between galazies"NASAUnknown15:40"Photograph of a supernova taken by the Hubble Space Telescope"UnknownUnknown16:19"The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) prior to installation on Hubble Space Telescope in 2009"NASAPublic Domain17:00"This photograph shows the spectrum of various wavelengths"UnknownUnknown17:14"Image demonstrating the reflecting diffraction grating"UnknownUnknown17:21"Image of the spectrum of wavelength in nanometers"FraunhoferPublic Domain18:15"The space shuttle Endeavour sits on its launchpad at Cape Canveral, Florida"PBSUnknown18:46"The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) being loaded into the shuttle mock cargo bay"NASAPublic Domain18:57"Shuttle mock cargo bay with Hubble serving payload on board"UnknownUnknown19:01"Shuttle mock cargo bay with Hubble serving payload on board"UnknownUnknown19:39"Mock cargo bay is hoisted into the launch pad superstructure"UnknownUnknown19:52"NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is lifted into the vertical position in the Vertical Processing Facility at Kennedy Space Center on Oct. 10, 1989"NASAPublic Domain19:56"Hubble needed flexible blankets to fit into the Discovery Shuttle's cargo bay"ESAPublic Domain20:05"All four Shuttle carrier systems are shown in the PGHM as they were being installed into the Cargo Bay"NASAPublic Domain20:18"Picture of Kevin France in front of Atlantis's airlock"Kevin FranceImage provided by Kevin France21:33"Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS), in the Clean Room at Goddard Space Flight Center"NASAPublic Domain21:35"Hubble looks for missing matter in the intergalatic medium"UnknownUnknown21:36"Hubble measured the composition of rocky planets"UnknownUnknown21:38"Artist's concept of TRAPPIST-1 planetary system"NASAPublic Domain21:40"Artist's rendering of the evaporation of HD 189733b's atmosphere in response to a powerful eruption"NASAPublic Domain21:44"COS launch preparation"University of Colorado - BoulderPublic Domain21:46"COS sits inside the Orbital Replacement Unit Carrier prior to installation on Hubble Space Telescope in 2009. COS has restored UV spectroscopy to Hubble's scientific arsenal."NASAPublic Domain