Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA)

The mission of the OPA is to enhance and support postdoctoral training and career development, help build a sense of community among postdocs, and serve as a resource to campus and affiliated National Labs.

Visit OPA

Association for Women in Science (AWIS)

The University of Colorado Boulder is an institutional partner of the AWIS. AWIS is the largest multi-disciplinary organization for women in STEM dedicated to achieving equity and full participation of women in all disciplines and across all employment sectors. CU Boulder’s partnership offers FREE access to AWIS, including its Career Center and leadership and talent development training, for all interested students/postdocs/faculty (men and women) enrolled in a STEM (science, engineering, technology, mathematics) program. 


Campus Resources for Postdocs

PAC is committed to making the move to Boulder and establishing yourself when you get here as pain-free as possible. Please find below a selection of useful links for incoming fellows.

 Career Center

The CU Career Center offers drop-in hours for postdocs. Drop-in hours are Mondays 2:30-4:00 pm with Annie Piatt. You can also call 303-492-6541 to set up an appointment to meet with Annie. 

 National Postdoc Association

CU Boulder is a sustaining member of the National Postdoctoral Association. As such, any Postdoc with a CU email address is entitled to free affiliate membership of the NPA. For more information, click on the button below.

Join NPA

Broader Impacts Network

A great resource for outreach opportunities across campus. 

CU Boulder Publication Post-Docket

Please fill out this form in order to post on@PACBoulder news of your new publication/preprint.