
Many people including doctors, scientists, and policy makers across the globe are interested in the research our laboratory performs. Below are links to various articles written by various news outlets.
Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine: 'Sleep Fairies' complete a succesful summer fellowship
Colorado Public Radio: Healthy ways to help your preschoolers sleep
CU Boulder Today: Even minor exposure to light before bedtime may disrupt a preschooler's sleep
CU Boulder Today: How bright light keeps preschoolers wired at night
Denver Post: Americas youth screen viewing affecting their sleep
KUNC: Too much screen time bad for your kids
Daily Mail: Letting children use phone bed stops sleeping
New York Times: A child's nap is more complicated than it looks
The Telegraph: Toddlers grow up grumpy without an afternoon nap
Coloradan Magazine: The secret to a happy child
The Daily Camera: CU-Boulder scientist: Missing a nap makes toddlers anxious, 'flat'
New Studies
We are recruiting 3.0 - 5.9 year olds for Summer 2023.
Light in the Morning and Sleep in Preschoolers
Light at Night and Sleep in Preschoolers
We are recruiting parents of 1.0 - 13.9 year olds to take our survey.