Nicholas Dietrich
I’m a fifth year PhD student in the Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department at CU (Fall 2019-current). I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Florida in Aerospace Engineering with minors in Math and Physics. In undergrad, I worked on multiple satellite projects including DebriSat which sought to improve satellite break-up models and LISA which seeks to measure low-frequency gravitational waves caused by massive cosmic events. In summer 2017, I was fortunate to have interned in Japan with Hitachi-Ge to design nuclear power plants. In summer 2019, I interned at Saber Astronautics to develop a mission control software for the Air Force to provide easy to learn visualization tools for space mission operations. Currently, I am investigating forecast improvements for thermospheric neutral densities to improve satellite orbit prediction.
M.S., Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, 2022
B.S., Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida, 2019
Awards, Honors, and Fellowships:
- CU Boulder Aerospace Excellence Award, 2019
- CU Boulder College of Engineering Dean's Fellowship, 2019
- Future Investigator in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) Fellow, 2023-
Dietrich, N., T. Matsuo, and C.-H. Hsu (2022), Specifying Satellite Drag Through Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere Data Assimilation of Radio Occultation Electron Density Profiles, Space Weather,
Conference Presentations:
Dietrich, N., T. Matsuo, and C.-T. Hsu (2023), Physics-Based Approach for Neutral Density Specification Through Data Assimilation, CEDAR Workshop, June 25-30, San Diego, CA.
Dietrich, N., and T. Matsuo (2023), Investigating the Ionosphere-Thermosphere Storm Response Using Data Assimilation Reanalysis, CEDAR Workshop, June 25-30, San Diego, CA.
Dietrich, N., T. Matsuo, B. Dilorenzo, C.-Y. Lin, C. H. Lin, and T.-W. Fang (2023), Evaluating RO Constellation Designs Using Observing System Simulation Experiments: Data Impact of Electron Density Profiles on Ionospheric Specification (poster), CEDAR Workshop, June 25-30, San Diego, CA.
Dietrich, N., T. Matsuo, and C.-T. Hsu (2022), Estimating Upper Atmospheric Neutral Density with Ensemble Data Assimilation of Radio Occultation Observations, 103rd AMS Annual Meeting, January 8-12, Denver, CO.
Dietrich, N., T. Matsuo, and C.-T. Hsu (2022), Specifying Neutral Density and Satellite Drag Through Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere Data Assimilation of Radio Occultation Electron Density Profiles, SA42B-06, AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-16, Chicago, IL.
Dietrich, N., T. Matsuo, C.-Y. Lin, C. H. Lin, T.-W. Fang (2022), Evaluating Radio Occultation Constellation Designs using Observing System Simulation Experiments: Data Impact of Electron Density Profiles on Ionospheric Specification, SM25C-1995, AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-16, Chicago, IL.
Dietrich, N., T. Matsuo, and C.-T. Hsu (2021), Qualifying and Reducing Neutral Density Uncertainty for Precise Orbit Determination using Physics-Based Data Assimilations, Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference, September 14-17, Maui, Hawaii.
Dietrich, N., T. Matsuo, and C.-T. Hsu (2021), Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere Assimilative Modeling of Global Neutral Densities Using COSMIC Radio Occultation Data (iPoster), CEDAR Workshop, June 20-25, Virtual.
Dietrich, N., T. Matsuo, and C.-T. Hsu (2021), Estimating Localization Parameters for Assimilating COSMIC Radio Occultation Data to Estimate Neutral Density, The International EnKF Workshop, June 7-9, Virtual.
Dietrich, N., T. Matsuo, and C.-T. Hsu (2020), Thermospheric Neutral Density Specification and Forecasting via Driver Estimation and Assimilation of COSMIC Radio Occultation Data, AGU Fall Meeting, Virtual.
Dietrich, N., T. Matsuo, and C.-T. Hsu (2020), Thermospheric Neutral Density Estimation via Assimilation of COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data (Prerecorded Video), CEDAR Workshop, Virtual.
Education Outreach Activities:
Volunteer, CU Boulder MRS Summer Camp, Summer 2019.
Graduate Student Speaker, CU STEMinar, “Estimating Satellite Drag to Prevent the Next Satellite Collision”, Fall 2020.