Latest and representative publications are listed below. A full list of publications can be found at Google Scholar
Latest Publications
I. Kudelin, P. Shirmohammadi, W. Groman, et al. "An optoelectronic microwave synthesizer with frequency tunability and low phase noise," Nat Electron 7, 1170–1175 (2024).
H. R. Heebøll, P. Sekhar, J. Riebesehl, A. Razumov, M. Heyrich, M. Galili, F. Da Ros, S. A. Diddams, and D. Zibar, "Resonant EO combs: beyond the standard phase noise model of frequency combs," Opt. Express 32, 45932-45945 (2024)
Peter Chang, Ragib Ishrak, Nazanin Hoghooghi, Scott Egbert, Gregory B Rieker, Scott A Diddams, Rohith Reddy, "Dual-Comb Photothermal Microscopy," arXiv:2409.15685 (2024)
P. Chang, R. Ishrak, N. Hoghooghi, S. Egbert, D. Lesko, S. Swartz, J. Bieger, G. Rieker, R. Reddy, & S. Diddams, (2024). "Mid-Infrared Hyperspectral Microscopy with Broadband 1-GHz Dual Frequency Combs". (2024)
R. K. Cole, C. Fredrick, W. Parts, M. Kingston, ... & S. A. Diddams, "Frequency Comb Calibrated Laser Heterodyne Radiometry for Precision Radial Velocity Measurements," arXiv:2410.04588 (2024).
Daniel I Herman, Mathieu Walsh, Molly Kate Kreider, Noah Lordi, Eugene J Tsao, Alexander J Lind, Matthew Heyrich, Joshua Combes, Jérôme Genest, Scott A Diddams, "Squeezed dual-comb spectroscopy," arXiv:2408.16688 (2024)
H. Cheng, C. Xiang, N. Jin, I. Kudelin, J. Guo, M. Heyrich, ... & P. T. Rakich, "Harnessing micro-Fabry-Perot reference cavities in photonic integrated circuits," arXiv:2410.01095 (2024)
Nazanin Hoghooghi, Peter Chang, et al., "GHz repetition rate mid-infrared frequency comb spectroscopy of fast chemical reactions," Optica 11, 876-882 (2024)
Eugene J Tsao, Alexander J Lind, Connor Fredrick, Ryan K Cole, Peter Chang, Kristina F Chang, Dahyeon Lee, Matthew Heyrich, Nazanin Hoghooghi, Franklyn Quinlan, Scott A Diddams, "Dual comb correlation spectroscopy of thermal light," arXiv:2405.14842 (2024)
Molly Kate Kreider, Connor Fredrick, Scott A. Diddams, Ryan C. Terrien, Suvrath Mahadevan, Joe P. Ninan, Chad F. Bender, Daniel Mitchell, Jayadev Rajagopal, Arpita Roy, Christian Schwab, Jason T. Wright, "Quantifying broadband chromatic drifts in Fabry-Perot resonators for exoplanet science," (2024)
Kristina F. Chang, Daniel M. B. Lesko, Carter Mashburn, Peter Chang, Eugene Tsao, Alexander J. Lind, and Scott A. Diddams, "Multi-harmonic near-infrared–ultraviolet dual-comb spectrometer," Opt. Lett. 49, 1684-1687 (2024)
Igor Kudelin, Will Groman, et al., “Photonic chip-based low noise microwave oscillator” Nature (2024).
Tsung-Han Wu, Luis Ledezma, Connor Fredrick, Pooja Sekhar, Ryoto Sekine, Qiushi Guo, Ryan M. Briggs, Alireza Marandi, Scott A. Diddams, “Visible to Ultraviolet Frequency Comb Generation in Lithium Niobate Nanophotonic Waveguides,” Nat. Photon. (2024). and
Nemanja Jovanovic et al., “2023 Astrophotonics Roadmap: pathways to realizing multi-functional integrated astrophotonic instruments,” J. Phys. Photonics 5 042501 (2023)
S. Diddams, K. Vahala, and T. Udem, “Optical Frequency Combs: Coherently Uniting the Electromagnetic Spectrum,” Science 369, eaay3676 (2020). 369/6501/eaay3676
D. A. Fischer, et al. “State of the Field: Extreme Precision Radial Velocities,” Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 128, 066001 (2016)
T. J. Kippenberg, R.L. Holzwarth and S.A. Diddams, “Microresonator based optical frequency combs,” Science 332, 555 (2011).
S.A. Diddams, “The evolving optical frequency comb,” JOSA B 27, B51 (2010).
M. C. Stowe, M. J. Thorpe, A. Pe'er, J. Ye, J. Stalnaker, V. Gerginov, and S. Diddams, "Direct frequency comb spectroscopy," in Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, vol. 55, E. Arimondo and P. Berman, eds., (Elsevier, 2007).
S. A. Diddams, J. C. Bergquist, S. R. Jefferts and C. W. Oates, “Standards of time and frequency at the outset of the 21st century,” Science, 306, 1318 (2004).
Frequency Combs
Pooja Sekhar, Connor Fredrick, David R. Carlson, Zachary Newman, Scott A. Diddams, “20 GHz fiber-integrated femtosecond pulse and supercontinuum generation with a resonant electro-optic frequency comb,” APL Photonics 8, 116111 (2023).
N. Hoghooghi, S. Xing, P. Chang, D. Lesko, A. Lind, G. Rieker, S. Diddams “1-GHz mid-infrared frequency comb spanning 3 to 13 mm,” Light Sci Appl 11, 264 (2022).
D. M. Lesko, H. R. Timmers, S. Xing, A. S. Kowligy, A. J. Lind, and S. A. Diddams, “A 6-octave optical frequency comb from a scalable few-cycle Erbium fiber laser,” Nature Photonics (2021).
S. Xing, D.M.B. Lesko, T. Umeki, A. J. Lind, N. Hoghooghi, T.-H. Wu, S. A. Diddams, “Single-cycle all-fiber frequency comb,” APL Photon. 6, 086110 (2021).
Andrew J. Metcalf, Connor D. Fredrick, Ryan C. Terrien, Scott B. Papp, and Scott A. Diddams, "30 GHz electro-optic frequency comb spanning 300 THz in the near infrared and visible," Opt. Lett. 44, 2673-2676 (2019)
D. R. Carlson, D. Hickstein, W. Zhang, A.J. Metcalf, F. Quinlan, S. Diddams, and S. Papp, “Ultrafast electro-optic light with subcycle control, Science 361, 1358 (2018).
Holly Leopardi, Josue Davila-Rodriguez, Franklyn Quinlan, Judith Olson, Jeff A. Sherman, Scott A. Diddams, and Tara M. Fortier, "Single-branch Er:fiber frequency comb for precision optical metrology with 10−18 fractional instability," Optica 4, 879-885 (2017)
F. C. Cruz, D. L. Maser, T. Johnson, G. Ycas, A. Klose, F. R. Giorgetta, I. Coddington, and S. A. Diddams, “Mid-infrared optical frequency combs based on difference frequency generation for molecular spectroscopy,” Opt. Express 23, 26815 (2015).
A. Bartels, D. Heinecke, S. A. Diddams, “10 GHz Self-referenced Optical Frequency Comb,” Science 326, 681 (2009). DOI: 10.1126/science.1179112
T. Fortier, A. Bartels, S.A. Diddams, “Octave-spanning Ti:sapphire laser with a repetition rate >1 GHz for optical frequency measurements and comparisons,” Opt. Lett. 31, 1011 (2006).
D. J. Jones, S. A. Diddams, J. K. Ranka, A. Stentz, R. S. Windeler, J. L. Hall, and S. T. Cundiff, “Carrier-envelope phase control of femtosecond modelocked lasers and direct optical frequency synthesis,” Science 288, 635 (2000).
S. A. Diddams, D. J. Jones, Jun Ye, S. T. Cundiff, J. L. Hall, J. K. Ranka, R. S. Windeler, R. Holzwarth, T. Udem, and T. W. Hänsch, “Direct link between microwave and optical frequencies with a 300 THz femtosecond laser comb,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5102 (2000). A Phys. Rev. Lett. 50th anniversary milestone letter.
Optical Clocks & Stable Lasers
Yifan Liu, et al. "Low-noise microwave generation with an air-gap optical reference cavity," APL Photonics 9, 010806 (2024).
CA McLemore, et al. “Miniaturizing Ultrastable Electromagnetic Oscillators: Sub 10-14 Frequency Instability from a Centimeter-Scale Fabry-Perot Cavity”, Physical Review Applied 18 (5), 054054 (2022)
K. Beloy, et al., “Frequency Ratio Measurements with 18-digit Accuracy Using a Network of Optical Clocks,” Nature 591, 564 (2021).
Z. L. Newman, et al., "Architecture for the photonic integration of an optical atomic clock," Optica 6, 680-685 (2019).
S.B. Papp, K. Beha, P. Del'Haye, F. Quinlan, H. Lee, K. Vahala, and S.A. Diddams, “A microresonator frequency comb optical clock,” Optica 1, 10 (2014).
T. Rosenband, et al., “Frequency Ratio of Al+ and Hg+ Single-Ion Optical Clocks: Metrology at the 17th Decimal Place,” Science 319, 1808 (2008)
S. A. Diddams, Th. Udem, J. C. Bergquist, E. A. Curtis, R. E. Drullinger, L. Hollberg, W. M. Itano, W. D. Lee, C. W. Oates, K. R. Vogel, and D. J. Wineland, “An optical clock based on a single trapped 199Hg+ ion,” Science 293, 825 (2001).
Optical and Microwave Frequency Synthesis
T. Nakamura, et al., “Coherent Optical Clock Down-Conversion for Microwave Frequencies with 10-18 Instability,” Science 368, 889-892 (2020).
D. T. Spencer, et al., “An Integrated-Photonics Optical-Frequency Synthesizer,” Nature 557, 81 (2018).
Katja Beha, Daniel C. Cole, Pascal Del’Haye, Aurélien Coillet, Scott A. Diddams, and Scott B. Papp, "Electronic synthesis of light," Optica 4, 406-411 (2017).
T. M Fortier, et al., “Optically referenced broadband electronic synthesizer with 15 digits of resolution,” Laser Photonics Rev. 10, 780–790 (2016) 10.1002/lpor.201500307
T. Fortier, M. Kirchner, F. Quinlan, J. Taylor, J.C. Bergquist, Y. Jiang, A. Ludlow, C.W. Oates, T. Rosenband, and S.A. Diddams, “Generation of ultrastable microwaves via optical frequency division,” Nature Photonics 5, 425 (2011).
A. Bartels, S.A. Diddams, C.W. Oates, G. Wilpers, J. C. Bergquist, W. Oskay, L. Hollberg, “Femtosecond laser based synthesis of ultrastable microwave signals from optical frequency references,” Opt Lett. 30, 667 (2005).
L.-S. Ma, Z. Bi, A. Bartels, L. Robertsson, M. Zucco, R. S. Windeler, G. Wilpers, C. Oates, L. Hollberg, S. A. Diddams, “Optical frequency synthesis and comparison with uncertainty at the 10-19 level,” Science, 303, 1843 (2004).
J. Ye, J.L. Hall, and S.A. Diddams, “Precision phase control of ultrawide-bandwidth femtosecond laser: A network of ultrastable frequency marks across the visible spectrum, Opt. Lett. 25, 1675 (2000).
Frequency Comb Spectroscopy
Ryan K. Cole, Connor Fredrick, Newton H. Nguyen, Scott A. Diddams, “Precision Doppler Shift Measurements with a Frequency Comb Calibrated Laser Heterodyne Radiometer,” Opt. Lett. 48, 5185-5188 (2023)
A. S. Kowligy, H. Timmers, A. J. Lind, U. Elu, F. C. Cruz, P. G. Schunemann, J. Biegert, and S. A. Diddams, “Infrared electric-field sampled frequency comb spectroscopy,” Science Advances 5, eaaw8794 (2019).
Nima Nader, et al., "Infrared frequency comb generation and spectroscopy with suspended silicon nanophotonic waveguides," Optica 6, 1269-1276 (2019).
Henry Timmers, Abijith Kowligy, Alex Lind, Flavio C. Cruz, Nima Nader, Myles Silfies, Gabriel Ycas, Thomas K. Allison, Peter G. Schunemann, Scott B. Papp, and Scott A. Diddams, "Molecular fingerprinting with bright, broadband infrared frequency combs," Optica 5, 727-732 (2018).
G. Ycas, F. R. Giorgetta, E. Baumann, I. Coddington, D. Herman, S. A. Diddams, and N. R. Newbury, “High Coherence Mid-Infrared Dual Comb Spectroscopy Spanning 2.6 to 5.2 microns,” Nature Photonics 12, 202–208 (2018).
D. C. Heinecke, A. Bartels, T. M. Fortier, D. A. Braje, L. Hollberg, and S. A. Diddams, “Optical frequency stabilization of a 10 GHz Ti:sapphire frequency comb by saturated absorption spectroscopy in 87Rubidium,” Phys. Rev. A 80, 053806 (2009).
S. Diddams, L. Hollberg, and V. Mbele, “Molecular fingerprinting with spectrally-resolved modes of a femtosecond laser frequency comb,” Nature 445, 627 (2007).
V. Gerginov, C.E. Tanner, S.A. Diddams, A. Bartels, and L. Hollberg, “High resolution spectroscopy with a femtosecond laser frequency comb,” Opt Lett 30, 1734 (2005).
Precision Astronomical Spectroscopy
G Stefánsson, et al., "A Neptune-mass exoplanet in close orbit around a very low-mass star challenges formation models," Science, 382, 1031-1035 (2023) DOI: 10.1126/science.abo0233
A. J. Metcalf, et al., "Stellar spectroscopy in the near-infrared with a laser frequency comb," Optica 6, 233-239 (2019).
M.-G. Suh, et al., "Searching for Exoplanets Using a Microresonator Astrocomb", Nature Photonics 13, 25–30 (2019). 10.1038/s41566-018-0312-3
X. Yi, K. Vahala, J. Li, S. Diddams, G. Ycas, P. Plavchan, S. Leifer, J. Sandhu, G. Vasisht, P. Chen, P. Gao, J. Gagne, E. Furlan, M. Bottom, E. C. Martin, M. P. Fitzgerald, G. Doppmann & C. Beichman, "Demonstration of a near-IR line-referenced electro-optical laser frequency comb for precision radial velocity measurements in astronomy." Nature Communications 7, 10436 (2016)
G.G. Ycas, F. Quinlan, S.A. Diddams, S. Osterman, C. Bender, B. Botzer, L. Ramsey, R. Terrien, S. Mahadevan, and S. Redman, “Demonstration of on-sky calibration of astronomical spectra using a 25 GHz near-IR laser frequency comb,” Opt. Express 20, 6631 (2012).
F. Quinlan, G. Ycas, S. Osterman, and S.A. Diddams, “A 12.5 GHz-Spaced Optical Frequency Comb Spanning >400 nm for Infrared Astronomical Spectrograph Calibration,” Rev. Sci. Inst. 81, 063105 (2010).
D. Braje, M. Kirchner, S. Osterman, T. Fortier, S.A. Diddams, “Astronomical spectrograph calibration with broad-spectrum frequency combs,” Eur. Phys. J. D 48, 57 (2008).
S. Osterman, S. Diddams, M. Beasley, C. Froning, L. Hollberg, P. MacQueen, V. Mbele, A. Weiner, “A proposed laser frequency comb based wavelength reference for high resolution spectroscopy”, in Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exosolar Planets III, D. R. Coulter (ed) Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6693, 66931G (2007).
Quantum Metrology
Noah Lordi, Eugene Tsao, Alex Lind, Scott Diddams, Joshua Combes, "Quantum theory of temporally mismatched homodyne measurements with applications to optical-frequency-comb metrology." Physical Review A 109, 033722 (2024)
F. Quinlan, T. Fortier, H. Jiang, A. Hati, C. Nelson, Y. Fu, J. C. Campbell & S. A. Diddams, "Exploiting shot noise correlations in the photodetection of ultrashort optical pulse trains," Nature Photon 7, 290–293 (2013).
Ultrafast, Nonlinear & Integrated Photonics
W. Hettel, et al. "Compact, ultrastable, high repetition-rate 2 μm and 3 μm fiber laser for seeding mid-IR OPCPA," Opt. Express 32, 4072-4080 (2024)
H. Cheng, N Jin, Z. Dai, C. Xiang, J. Guo, Y. Zhou, S. A. Diddams et al. "A novel approach to interface high-Q Fabry–Pérot resonators with photonic circuits." APL Photonics 8, no. 11 (2023).
D.M.B. Lesko, K.F. Chang, S.A. Diddams, “High-sensitivity frequency comb carrier-envelope-phase metrology in solid state high harmonic generation” Optica 9, 1156-1162 (2022)
J. Guo, et al., “Chip-Based Laser with 1 Hertz Integrated Linewidth” Science Advances, 8 (43), eabp9006 (2022)