
CEQM holds biweekly seminar. The CEQM seminar series focuses on the most current and interesting topics of condensed matter physics and is given by leading scientists across the US. 

Seminar Coordinators: Prof. Minhyea Lee ( and Prof. Dmitry Reznik (  

Location: G126 Duane Physics.

Time: 12:30 AM - 1:30 PM, Thursdays (Lunch starts at 12 noon). 

Schedule for Fall 2024

9/5Emilie Ringe, University of CambrigeLongji Cui
9/19Yulia Maximenko, Colorado State UniversityMarkus Raschke
11/14Hua Chen, Colorado State UniversityMinhyea Lee
12/5Pavel Salev, University of DenverMinhyea Lee

Past Condensed Matter Seminar