Best Paper Awards from ASEE
Our college and CU Boulder have won numerous best paper awards and other recognitions at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference.
- 2020 Best Diversity Paper from the Women in Engineering Division, Sandekian, Silverstein, Louie. Interventions in faculty recruiting, screening, and hiring processes enable greater engineering faculty diversity.
- 2020 Best Paper Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD). Chowdhury, Knight, Kotys-Schwartz, et al. Using competing values framework to map the development of leadership skills as capstone design students transition to the workplace.
- 2020 Best Diversity Paper from the Engineering Ethics Division, Rulifson and Bielefeldt. Health Stress and Support System Narratives of Engineering Students. [Link:]
- 2020 Best Paper from the Engineering Ethics Division, Polmear, Bielefeldt, Knight, et al. Student Perceptions of an Ethics Intervention: Exploration Across Three Course Types. [Link:]
- 2019 inducted as ASEE Fellows, Angela Bielefeldt and John Falconer
- 2019 Best Paper from PIV IV and the Engineering Ethics Division, Bielefeldt et al. Student views on their role in society as an engineer and relevant ethical issues.
- 2019 Best Paper from PIC V, Katherine McConnell. Mapping and strengthening curriculum-based industry / academia intersections.
- 2019 Best Paper from the Technological and Engineering Literacy / Philosophy of Engineering Division, Polmear, Bielefeldt, Knight, et al. Hidden curriculum perspective on the importance of ethics and societal impacts in engineering education.
- 2019 Best Paper from the International Division, Bielefeldt et al. Social responsibility related to global experiences and interests of U.S. engineering students.
- 2018 Best Paper from PIC IV and the Engineering Ethics Division, Polmear, Bielefeldt, Knight, et al. Faculty perceptions of challenges to educating engineering and computing students about ethics and societal impacts.
- 2017 Best Diversity Paper Award from the Women in Engineering Division, Forbes, Bielefeldt, Sullivan, and Littlejohn. Probing correlations between undergraduate engineering programs' customizability and gender diversity.
- 2017 Best Paper from the First-Year Programs Division, Bielefeldt, Polmear, Knight et al. Incorporation of ethics and societal impact issues into first year engineering courses: results of a national survey.
- 2017 Best Paper Award from PIC I (nominated from Civil Engineering Division), Bielefeldt. Challenges of a professional issues course in civil engineering: comparison across two years.
- 2016 Best Paper PIC II, Forbes, Myers, Sullivan, Reamon. Exploring student impressions of and navigations through a flexible and customizable multidisciplinary engineering program.
- 2016 Best Paper PIC IV and Engineering Ethics Division, Bielefeldt and Canney. Perspectives of Engineers on Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace.
- 2015 Best Conference Paper, Best Paper PIC III, and Liberal Education / Engineering & Society (LEES) Division. Canny, Bielefeldt, Russu. Which courses influence engineering students' views of social responsiblity.
- 2015 Best Paper from Environmental Engineering Division. Bielefeldt. Sustainable, Global, Interdisciplinary and Concerned for Others? Trends in Environmental Engineering Students.
- 2015 Best of Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED), one of five. Goodman, Hertzberg, et al. Aesthetics of design: A case study.
- 2014 Educational Research and Methods (ERM) Division, Distinguished Service Award, Daria Kotys-Schwartz
- 2013 Best of Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED). Cooper and Kotys-Schwartz. Designing the design experience: Identifying factors of student motivation in project-based learning and project-based service-learning.
- 2013 Best Paper from Mechanics Division. Janet Tsai, Kotys-Schwartz, Hannigan. Learning statics by feeling: effects of everyday examples on confidence and identity development.
- 2013 Best Student Paper from Graduate Students Division. Janet Tsai, Kotyz-Schwartz, et al. Am I a boss or a coach? Graduate students mentoring undergraduate research.
- 2011 inducted as ASEE Fellow, Jacquelyn Sullivan.
- 2012 Best Paper from K-12 Division. Zarske, Sullivan, Bielefeldt, Knight, et al. K-12 Engineering for Service: Do project-based service-learning design experiences impact attitudes in high school engineering students?
- 2009 Best Conference Paper, Best Paper PIC II, Bielefeldt, Paterson, Swan. Measuring the impacts of project-based service learning.
- 2004 Best Paper PIC III, Hertzberg, A course in flow visualization: the art and physics of fluid flow.
- 2003 Best Conference Paper, Best Paper PIC III, Knight, Carlson, Sullivan. Staying in engineering: Effects of a hands-on, team-based, first year projects course on student retention.