A Grain of Salt

Sept. 15, 2015

Photo: Lars Gesing/CU News Corps The problem with polls: Opinion researchers preach restraint for horse race journalists ELON, N.C. – They are Donald Trump’s raison d’être and cause for major Hillary Clinton headaches: Public opinion polls are the prime driver of much of the 2016 presidential campaign trail news. Media...

Daddy issues in Henrico County, VA

Sept. 15, 2015

n our Anecdotal Evidence column, movers and shakers share personal stories of how intriguing (and often odd) campaigning in their respective swing state can be. Don Boswell – Henrico County GOP Chairman Don Boswell. Photo: Lars Gesing/CU News Corps “I personally viewed George Herbert Walker Bush as being too Ivy...

Virginia says, ‘You are welcome, America.’

Sept. 15, 2015

In our Anecdotal Evidence column, movers and shakers share personal stories of how intriguing (and often odd) campaigning in their respective swing state can be. Tucker Martin – GOP VA Consultant, Christie Super PAC Adviser Tucker Martin. Photo: Lars Gesing/CU News Corps “Virginia is probably the most tradition-bound state in...

Football trumps partisanship

Sept. 10, 2015

In our Anecdotal Evidence column, movers and shakers share personal stories of how intriguing (and often odd) campaigning in their respective swing state can be. Richard “Dickie” Cranwell – Former Chairman of Virginia Democrats Richard “Dickie” Cranwell. Photo: Lars Gesing/CU News Corps “When I ran for the state House in...

How to win New Hampshire from South Vietnam

Sept. 3, 2015

In our Anecdotal Evidence column, movers and shakers share personal stories of how intriguing (and often odd) presidential campaigning in their respective swing state can be. Tom Rath – Kasich Adviser, Former NH Attorney General Tom Rath. Photo: Rath Law “At the end of the day, neither Barry Goldwater nor...

Want to sway Wisconsin Democrats? Better be a Northerner.

Sept. 2, 2015

In our Anecdotal Evidence column, movers and shakers share personal stories of how intriguing (and often odd) presidential campaigning in their respective swing state can be. Craig Gilbert – Washington Bureau Chief, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel & Author of The Wisconsin Voter Blog Craig Gilbert. Photo: Lars Gesing/CU News Corps “One...

How Hillary Clinton pulled off her 2008 New Hampshire upset victory

Aug. 31, 2015

In our Anecdotal Evidence column, movers and shakers share personal stories of how intriguing (and often odd) presidential campaigning in their respective swing state can be. Andrew Smith – Director, University of New Hampshire Survey Center Andrew Smith. Photo: Lars Gesing/CU News Corps “Events matter. Even the best campaigns can...

Anecdotal Evidence, August 28: Granite Staters love their rocks and their primary

Aug. 29, 2015

In our Anecdotal Evidence column, movers and shakers share personal stories of how intriguing (and often odd) presidential campaigning in their respective swing state can be. Dante Scala – Author and Political Scientist at the University of New Hampshire Dante Scala. Photo: Lars Gesing/CU News Corps “Once upon a time...

“Telling it like it is” – Are we seeing a renaissance of the honest politician?

Aug. 27, 2015

Brendan Nyhan in his office at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. Photo: Lars Gesing/CU News Corps A conversation with Brendan Nyhan - Political scientist, media critic and New York Times contributor HANOVER, New Hampshire – “All politicians lie and cheat.” “You can’t trust them.” “They all do whatever it...

Anecdotal Evidence, August 26: Candidates jam the streets of New Hampshire

Aug. 26, 2015

In our Anecdotal Evidence column, movers and shakers share personal stories of how intriguing (and often odd) presidential campaigning in their respective swing state can be. Neil Levesque – Executive Director, New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College Neil Levesque. Photo: Lars Gesing/CU News Corps “It is going...
