Annual Progress Report for Doctoral Students
Progress Report information
The Graduate School expects that a yearly progress/report evaluation be completed for all doctoral students. Work with your program to determine whether there is a program-specific progress report process or whether the Graduate School’s general template is appropriate. If your program directs you to utilize the general template, proceed with initiating the form below.
Endorsements needed
Students will need to provide the following information to proceed:
- The name and e-mail address of their faculty advisor
- The name and e-mail address of the graduate director of their program (In some cases this will be the associate chair or associate dean. If you do not have this information, please ask your graduate program assistant.)
Information needed for form
- Review posted requirements for your degree program, both university-wide and program-specific, and any associated time limits for completion inadvance of completing the form
- Gather list of remaining requirements and plan for expected completion terms
- Gather list of requirements completed and accomplishments over the past year
- Begin a draft plan for the next year, discussing in advance with your faculty advisor
Submission and routing information
You will complete Section I, the first half of the progress report. Use the information gathered above to provide information about requirements and benchmarks and your progress over the last year. You will receive notification upon submission, and the request for extension will be routed to your faculty advisor for their completion of the graduate program section, using the e-mail addresses provided. Your graduate program assistant will receive a copy. After review by the Graduate School (where necessary), the student, advisor, DGS, and program will receive notification. Once the form is complete, please check in with your faculty advisor to discuss your progress report and plan for the upcoming year.
- Academic Forms
- Academic Recovery Plan
- Doctoral Comprehensive Exam
- Doctoral Comprehensive Examination Conditional Pass Completion Form
- Doctoral Final Examination Form
- Doctoral Progress Report
- Extension of Time Limit Request
- Letter of Completion Request
- Master's Thesis Plan Form
- Master’s Final Examination Form
- Thesis Approval Form
- Transfer of Credit Request and Degree Audit Applicability
- Graduate Student Registration Statuses
- Graduation Requirements
- Research Support
- Thesis & Dissertation Submission