Published: July 21, 2023

Mark your calendars for important summer graduation deadlines, professional development workshops and funding deadlines

Graduation Deadlines 

August 1

PhD students must submit the dissertation with the single-page Thesis Approval Form to ProQuest by this deadline. The dissertation must be submitted electronically for review and approval by Graduate School staff by the end of the business day. The Thesis Approval Form (TAF) must be uploaded as a supplemental file with the dissertation in order for the submission to be complete. Students whose dissertations are received after this deadline, or those not submitted with the TAF, must apply to graduate at the following semester's commencement. 

August 1

PhD and DMA students must fill out the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) online by this deadline. See additional information about the survey

August 1

Master's students must complete the thesis defense or final examination by this date. Notice of the examination must be provided to the Graduate School using the master's final examination form two weeks before the exam. Certain units do not require an exam for non-thesis students. Please contact your department with any questions. 

August 7

Doctoral grade changes must be submitted for incomplete courses taken during previous or current semesters.

August 8

Master's thesis plan students must submit the thesis and the single-page Thesis Approval Form to ProQuest by this deadline. The thesis must be submitted electronically for review and approval by Graduate School staff by the end of the business day. The Thesis Approval Form (TAF) must be uploaded as a supplemental file with the dissertation in order for the submission to be complete. Students whose dissertations are received after this deadline, or those not submitted with the TAF, must apply to graduate at the following semester's commencement. 

August 14

Master’s grade changes must be submitted for incomplete courses taken during previous semesters.

Professional Development

Perfectionism in Graduate School 

 August 2, 2023, 12 – 1 p.m.  CASE E422 

What is perfectionism and what contributes to it? Join Stacy Gerberich, Psy.D., Embedded Therapist for the Graduate School, to learn more about perfectionism and how it can hinder your productivity as a graduate student. Stacy will also discuss ways to change this type of thinking and improve your academic success and overall wellness. Open to all graduate students and postdocs. 

Lunch will be provided to those that RSVP by July 27. 

Register Here

Grad+ Writing Retreat - Fall 2023 

 Aug. 28, 29, 30, 31, 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. each day  CASE, E422 

Whether you are having trouble making dedicated time for your writing or are already feeling motivated and ready to write, this writing retreat is for you! Join other graduate students for a writing retreat that will provide the time, community and accountability needed to help you get focused on your writing. This in-person four-day retreat will take place from 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. each day. We highly recommend you attend all four days of the retreat if possible. A light breakfast and coffee will be provided for those that RSVP. 

Register Here

Funding Deadlines

Graduate School Student Travel Grant

The Graduate School offers partial funding for CU Boulder graduate students traveling outside the state of Colorado to present their own research or work at a conference, meeting, or similar event. The application for travel occurring September 1 - December 31 will be open Aug. 16 12:01am - Aug. 18 11:59pm MST. For more information, please visit the Graduate School website.