Published: Oct. 20, 2021

To our graduate and professional colleagues,

Please see below for a weekly update from the Graduate and Professional Student Government, which you should also be receiving from your department representative or college senator.

Upcoming events and opportunities:

Week in Review:

  • We met with other Shared Governance groups and the Chancellor last week. The topics were faculty, staff and student mental health.
  • We met with Dean Jim White of Arts & Sciences last week. Topics discussed were grad student work norms, the grad school strategic plan and how the campus budget realignment will impact total funding for grad students in Arts & Sciences. The A&S administration would like feedback from professional masters students about how their programs are functioning from a student perspective. Email
  • The Campus Culture Survey is now live! Check your email for your unique survey link. Participants will get $7 in campus cash or have the option to donate it. Please take this survey so we can have the most robust grad student results possible!

If any questions arise, you can reach out to your representative or contact us at

We hope you stay safe and have a great week,

Emily JensenBarra Peak, and Bobby Vondrasek

GPSG Executive Team