Minor Requirements
The minor program in Geological Sciences is meant for students who would like to acquire a basic knowledge of geology in addition to their major area of study. The Arts and Sciences requirements for a minor include a minimum of 18 credit hours in the minor area, including a minimum of 9 upper-division hours. The Departmental requirements for the minor are listed below. The Department strongly urges that students interested in pursuing a minor in geology consult a Departmental advisor.
1. 1000-level introductory courses:
- Any two of the following 3-credit courses:
GEOL1010, 1012, 1020, 1040, 1060, 1150, 1170, 1180 - Plus an introductory laboratory course: 1030-1 Introduction to Geology Laboratory
2. At least one of the following laboratory or field-oriented courses:
- 2001-4 Planet Earth
- 2700-2 Introduction to Field Geology
- 3010-3 Introduction to Mineralogy
- 3023-3 Statistics for Earth Sciences
- 3120-4 Structural Geology
- 3330-4 Geophysics and Tectonics
- 3410-3 Paleobiology
- 3430-4 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- 4060-4 Oceanography
- 4093-4 Remote Sensing of the Environment
- 4241-4 Principles of Geomorphology
3. Additional geology coursework to bring the total upper division credit hours to 9 and total credit hours in geology to 18.