
  • Mortenson Professor in Sustainable Development


  • Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis. March 1997. Advisor: Jeannie L. Darby.
  • Master of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis. March 1993. Advisor: Jeannie L. Darby.
  • Bachelor of Science, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, May 1989. Advisor: William J. Jewell



I teach undergraduate courses on Water and Wastewater Treatment and Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries and graduate courses in Water Reuse, UV processes in environmental systems, and Water Sanitation and Hygiene. Other interests include water and wastewater treatment processes (physical, chemical, and biological), environmental aquatic chemistry, ecological environmental engineering, water treatment process laboratory.


Research focuses on investigation of alternative disinfectants and advanced oxidation for water and wastewater treatment. Specifically, efficacy of UV irradiation for inactivation of persistent and emerging pathogens; and the investigation of advanced oxidation processes for the degradation of environmental pollutants of concern in clean and reclaimed water for reuse. Specific focus on small systems, point of use and sustainability of water and sanitation infrastructure in developing communities. 

Selected Publications

  1. Succession of toxicity and microbiota in hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water in the Denver–Julesburg Basin (2018) NM Hull, JS Rosenblum, CE Robertson, JK Harris, KG Linden, Science of The Total Environment 644, 183-192
  2. Removal of trace organic chemicals in wastewater effluent by UV/H2O2 and UV/PDS (2018) M Nihemaiti, DB Miklos, U Hübner, KG Linden, JE Drewes, JP Croué Water research 145, 487-497
  3. Pyrolysis of human feces: Gas yield analysis and kinetic modeling (2018) TW Yacob, KG Linden, AW Weimer, Waste Management 79, 214-222
  4. Synergy of MS2 disinfection by sequential exposure to tailored UV wavelengths (2018) NM Hull, KG Linden, Water Research 143, 292-300 
  5. UV/H2O2 process stability and pilot-scale validation for trace organic chemical removal from wastewater treatment plant effluents (2018) DB Miklos, R Hartl, P Michel, KG Linden, JE Drewes, U Hübner, Water research 136, 169-179
  6. Evaluation of advanced oxidation processes for water and wastewater treatment–A critical review (2018) DB Miklos, C Remy, M Jekel, KG Linden, JE Drewes, U Hübner, Water research (in press)
  7. Low levels of iron enhance UV/H2O2 efficiency at neutral pH (2018) SL Ulliman, G McKay, FL Rosario-Ortiz, KG Linden, Water research 130, 234-242
  8. Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Disinfection Technologies Used in Small Drinking Water Systems (2018) CH Jones, EG Shilling, KG Linden, SM Cook, Environmental science & technology 52 (5), 2998-3007
  9. Critical review of the science and sustainability of persulphate advanced oxidation processes (2018) IA Ike, K Linden, JD Orbell, M Duke, Chemical Engineering Journal (in press)
  10. Improving UV/H2O2 performance following tertiary treatment of municipal wastewater (2018) SL Ulliman, DB Miklos, U Hübner, JE Drewes, KG Linden, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 4 (9), 1321-1330
  11. Sunlight-mediated inactivation of health-relevant microorganisms in water: a review of mechanisms and modeling approaches (2018) KL Nelson, AB Boehm, RJ Davies-Colley, MC Dodd, T Kohn, KG Linden, ….Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 20 (8), 1089-1122