Amy Javernick-Will
GAANN Project Director • Nicholas R. and Nancy D. Petry Professor in Construction Engineering and Management


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management, September 2009; Stanford University
  • Master of Science, Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management, May 2001;
  • University of Colorado at Boulder Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, December 1999; University of Colorado at Boulder


Dr. Javernick-Will’s research interests include the management of project organizations, knowledge mobilization, risk management, disaster recovery and project delivery.

Selected Publications

  1. Davis, A., Javernick-Will, A., and Cook, S. (2018). “A comparison of interviews, focus groups, and photovoice to identify sanitation priorities and increase success of community-based sanitation systems”.  Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.

  2. Jordan, E., Javernick-Will, A. and Tierney, K. (2016).  “Post-Tsunami Recovery in Tamil Nadu, India: Combined Social and Infrastructural outcomes”. Natural Hazards.

  3. Opdyke, A., Javernick-Will, A., and Koschmann, M. (2018). “Household Construction Knowledge Acquisition in Humanitarian Shelter Projects.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 28(6):131-139. 

  4. Litchfield, K., Javernick-Will, A., and A. Maul (2016).  “Technical and Professional Skills of Engineers Involved and Not Involved in Engineering Service.” Journal of Engineering Education.  105(1): 70-92.

  5. Deniz, D.*, Arneson, E., Liel, A., Dashti, S., and A. Javernick-Will (2017). “Flood Loss Models for Residential Buildings Based on the 2013 Colorado Floods”. Natural Hazards.

  6. Wanberg, J., Javernick-Will, A., and Taylor, J.T. (2017). “Mechanisms to initiate knowledge sharing connections in communities of practice”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 143(11).