Campus re-commissioning studies at Gold, Porter and UMC are currently underway. By working with Xcel Energy and Engineering Economics Inc., CU Boulder is taking advantage of rebates to fund not only the studies, but the implementation of identified measures. Additional facilities over the next three years are planned in an effort to optimize existing building’s performance.

Gold and Porter Biosciences

Gold and Porter were selected in 2015 to undergo a complete re-commissioning study to address operational concerns and energy efficiency. A third party commissioning vendor was selected and has worked closely with campus engineering and the controls shop to complete the study. Through rebates provided by Xcel, the cost for the commissioning study will be subsidized with incentives, and the measures identified may qualify for additional rebate funds to cover the cost of implementation. The final reports for each building are expected by the end of the year.

University Memorial Center

A re-commissioning project was conducted for the University Memorial Center (UMC) as part of the Xcel program to reduce electrical demand and consumption and to reduce natural gas consumption. The report identified low cost / no cost improvement measures and estimated the savings potential for implementing these measures. Measures identified included upgrades to the existing controls system and programming, actuator repairs, valve operation, terminal unit upgrades, and major equipment modifications. Identified annual cost savings were estimated to total over $102,000 with a payback of less than 1.4 years.