
Welcome to the Shields Lab!

Our group works at the intersection of chemistry, soft matter physics and bioengineering to develop colloidal and super-colloidal particles for a range of applications. We have three broad goals: (i) to understand how particles interact in and out of equilibrium and, in turn, how to tailor their microscale and nanoscale properties (e.g., size, shape and composition) to control their behaviors in various fluid environments; (ii) to apply insights from (i) to create collections of engineered particles that interface with biology and perform complex tasks (e.g., actuate and release encapsulated cargo); and (iii) to integrate our pipeline of engineered particles into microfluidic and other devices to enable the development of new diagnostic technologies and therapeutic strategies.

Shields Lab (Apr 2024)


Nicole and Cooper Ph.-inally graduate-D

Bianca joins the lab!

Cooper is officially Ph.-inishe-D

Nicole is officially Ph.Done!

Cooper biosenses with sound?

Congratulations to Ankit on his promotion to Research Associate!

On a conference roll! Matt and Nicole win conference award at the SFB Western Regional Symposium

Woooooo! Katie (Boltzmann) Trese (haha kT) wins the best poster award at the 22nd International Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Symposium in Orlando,FL

Cooper (soon to be Dr.) Thome wins the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society best oral presentation award at the Acoustofluidics 2024 conference!

Matt gets his win! Congrats on winning the "Outstanding Poster Award" from the Drug Carriers in Medicine and Biology Gordon Research Conference

Woooo! Taylor wins a "Travel Award" to the 22nd International Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Symposium in Orlando, FL

Nicole wins the International CRS ImmunoDelivery Focus Group Trainee Award!

Congrats to Nicole, Collin and Ritu on their department recognition awards!

Congrats to Wyatt for winning the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award!

Jin's work on acoustic MICRO (not nano) robots propels its way into the news again. 

Ankit Gangrade joins the lab to work on the ARPA-H NITRO program.

Congrats to Nicole and Cooper for passing their comprehensive exams!

Matt, Nicole, Taylor and Wyatt have fun at CRS 2023! Congrats to Nicole and Matt for their best poster awards.

Nicole is selected as the recipient for the 2023 Acta Student Award

Wyatt to share the lab's new work at the NAE's Frontiers of Engineering Symposium

Biohybrid microrobots (cyborgs? ) may have the capability to improve adoptive cell transfers.

Jin's new work on acoustic microrobots is hot off the press!

Ritu is awarded the prestigious NSF GRFP

Kendra is awarded the prestigious NSF GRFP

Wyatt is awarded NIH grant to use macrophages for nanoparticle delivery

Wyatt becomes a Pew scholar in the Biomedical Sciences

Wyatt starts fighting the bends

Wyatt earns NSF Career for his work tied to active particle-based biosensors and outreach efforts