On Sept. 12 the US Department of Commerce Office of Space Commerce held the Space Commerce Workshop on the NIST Boulder campus in Boulder, Colorado. Prof. Holzinger organized and moderated a panel discussing what new models and algorithms in Space Situational Awareness (SSA) would be most impactful. The panel consisted of representatives from government, industry, and academia, and also included a mix of established and new participants in SSA. From left to right in the above image, the panelists were Bob Ruttledge (Operations Chief, NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center), Moriba Jah (UT Austin), Marya Andrepont (Director of Technology Integration, Lockheed Martin Corporation), Jeff Aristoff (Vice President, Space Systems, Numerica Corporation), Michele Gaudreault (Deputy Chief Scientist, Air Force Space Command), and Marcus Holzinger (CU Boulder). A summary of the workshop (and the panel discussion) will be published here in the coming weeks.