Research & Publications

Here is a list of our latest publications and associated resources. For more information, visit google scholar or researchgate.

Kohl, R., Corona, E., Cheruvu, V. and Veerapaneni, S. Fast and accurate solvers for simulating Janus particle suspensions in Stokes flow (submitted to JCP, 2021), [arxiv] [Bipolar chain formation video] [Amphiphilic micelle formation video].

Janus particle suspensions in Stokes flow

Yan, W., Corona, E., Shelley, M., and Veerapaneni, S. A scalable computational platform for particulate Stokes suspensions, Journal of Computational Physics 2020 [JCP] [arxiv] [distributed rotor 10k video] [sedimentation video] [Roll formation on tangentially forced sheet video]

A scalable computational platform for particulate Stokes suspensions

De, S., Corona, E., Jayakumar, P. and Veerapaneni, S. Scalable Solvers for Cone Complementarity Problems in Frictional Multibody Dynamics IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing conference, September 24-26 2019. [IEEE] [Saibal De's website]

Scalable Solvers for Cone Complementarity Problems in Frictional Multibody Dynamics

Corona, E., Gorsich, D., Jayakumar, P., and Veerapaneni, S. A tensor train acceleration of nonsmooth rigid body dynamics, Applied Mechanics Reviews, 2018. [AMR] [arxiv]

A tensor train acceleration of nonsmooth rigid body dynamic

Corona, E., Veerapaneni, S. Boundary integral equation analysis for suspensions of spheres in Stokes flow, Journal of Computational Physics 362, pp.327-345, 2018. [JCP] [arxiv]

Boundary integral equation analysis for suspensions of spheres in Stokes flo

Corona, E., Greengard, L., Rachh, M., and Veerapaneni, S. An integral equation formulation for rigid bodies in Stokes flow in three dimensions, Journal of Computational Physics 332: 504-519. [JCP] [arxiv]

An integral equation formulation for rigid bodies in Stokes flow in three dimensions