Published: Dec. 17, 2019
Students studying on campus

You made it to the end of the semester! Did you earn the GPA you hoped for?

In the next few weeks, you can check your grades by visiting MyCUHub (soon to be renamed Buff Portal Advising). View your term-by-term grades, or run a degree audit. Your GPA will be at the top of the degree audit.

If your GPA isn’t what you hoped it would be, here are some ways to get back on track next semester.

Connect with your PES Success Team

Academic coaches can help you work on academic skills and develop a plan to get your GPA above the minimum requirement. They can work with you on time management, study skills, learning strategies, exam preparation and much more. Talk with your academic advisor about getting connected to an academic coach.

Meet with your academic advisor

Another way to get back on track is to continue meeting with your academic advisor. Your academic advisor can help you connect with academic resources on campus such as the Writing Center, ASAP Tutoring and academic Help Rooms.

Set yourself up for success

When you return for the spring semester, set yourself up for success by establishing good study habits and self-care from the beginning. Many times, students struggle academically because they wait until it is too late to be on top of their GPA. Think of the first day of the second semester as a fresh start for your academic success. 

Remember, one of the best ways to set yourself up for academic success is to go to class. Spend time getting to know your professors and classmates. It sounds simple, but it can make a world of difference when it comes to your GPA.

Start off on the right track in the spring by going to class every day, and ask for help as you need it!