Information for posters:

  • Your poster may be up to 3.75 ft tall and 6 ft wide (45 X 72  inches).  Posters will be mounted on standing boards, which are 4 feet tall and 8 feet wide. ​


Information for talks:

  • Talk slots will be 25 minutes long (18 minutes of presentation and 7 minutes of Q/A).
  • (guidelines for talks sent via email to presenters accepted for talks)
  • We anticipate that most presenters will want to use their own laptops.  However, if for any reason you would prefer to use another computer, please contact your session chair before the conference to coordinate the setup.  
  • HDMI and VGA connectors will be available at the podium, as well as a microphone. If your devices are incompatible with these connectors, please bring your own adapters.
  • There will be a stage for presenters, with stairs for access. If you have mobility needs and require a ramp, please let us know as soon as possible.