Published: Dec. 1, 2023

“Have no fear of perfection-you'll never reach it.”

– Salvador Dali  

Fear is many things--a manifestation of anxieties and social pressures, a desire to avoid discomfort, an evolutionary predisposition to protect the reptilian self—and its stigma, the sometimes-delimiting factor to its efficacy. Candidly, fear is simply information, albeit information meant to drive our decision-making to achieve an almost always singular outcome: safety.  

So how can we reengineer this discomfort as a powerful ally? You might start by interrogating your fears: What am I afraid of? What is the worst thing that can happen? What is the cost of the status quo? What do I miss out by avoiding this decision? How do I know if my fears are real or imagined? How are my fears holding me back? How will taking action impact me? Who do I need to be to own my fears?  

As you consider these questions, spend some time reviewing the linked resources below. You might find tools/thought exercises/questions that help you reframe fear as information, opportunity, and ally.


TED | Tim Ferriss: Why you should define your fears instead of your goals   

BetterHelp: Using Fear as a Motivator 

The Washington Post: Fear and anxiety can help. Here’s how to use them to your advantage 

Adventure Collection: 10 Reasons Why a Dose of Fear is Good for You 

LinkedIn | Sonia McDonald: Fear To Courage: How To Use The Emotion Wheel To Transform Your Feelings 

Psychology Today: Fear Is a Tool of the Trade: Here's How to Use It